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O/T Shower Curtains/Clawfoot tub

Sunflower1's picture

Ladies and Draco-

Do any of you know where I can purchase a shower curtain for a clawfoot tub/shower? I've been looking but there seems to be so many different opinions on the subject (at least online). We are moving soon and I'm having a hard time figuring out which kind to buy. I've read if you don't get the correct type, the curtains will billow while you shower. Anyone have any experience with this?


misSTEP's picture

I have an awesome shower curtain that I got from Walmart that has magnets on the bottom.

Sunflower1's picture

For a claw foot tub? I haven't looked there, I assumed they wouldn't have speciality curtains.

Sunflower1's picture

Sue you are correct, the hanging rod is very important and fortunately already up. I need to find a shower curtain that is 180" wide unless I want to sew three together.

PrincessFiona's picture

I have two standard size curtains in my claw foot tub. One around the back, one around the front. That leave it open to get in from either end. I try to overlap the hangers to avoid gaps. It works for us. I assume you have the overhead clawfoot rod to hang them from.

Sunflower1's picture

Yes, that is installed already. I found some c shaped curtain hooks so I can push the curtain all the way around the back, assuming I find one wide enough. I may have to do what you are, using two.