Dysfunctional Families
After DH's divorce, he moved in with MIL because he didn't have enough money to afford a place big enough for his kids to stay EOWE. When he and I became engaged, he moved in to my apartment (which was also not big enough for his kids to stay) and then stayed at his mother's house on his visitation weekends. MIL travels somewhere between 3 and 6 months of the year, so she was around a little more than half the time he was staying there. When she was there, however, she took on a large parenting role with my SSs, which DH allowed her to do. She would make food for SSs, do their laundry, etc. This is not the issue, rather it's context for the situation.
DH and his siblings all still have a sort of teenager-esque relationship with their mother. They allow MIL to help them with things that they need (e.g. DH's grown adult sister lets MIL pay for all of her travel expenses, buy her clothes, pay for medical expenses, etc; so she can live as a "starving artist"), while then turning around and telling her she's overstepping her bounds when she wants to butt in, in other areas of their lives. I've told DH many times that he can't have things both ways with his mother, he can't take advantage of his mother in some instances and then tell her that doesn't want her to be involved in other aspects. He either has to act like an adult around her (meaning he does not take advantage of her when he needs something) or accept being treated like a child (in response to acting like a child by expecting his mom to step in when he needs something).
Since we got married, DH and I have bought our own home, which is large enough for the kids to stay with us, so MIL is no longer involved in visitation weekends. However, now DH has sort of stopped talking to his mother and doesn't make a big effort to take SSs to see her. Last night, he and I had a long conversation about this - started because he mentioned something that he thought I should do about my own parents, which then led to a conversation about his own family.
I told DH that I thought he resented his mother because he felt like he had been the one who had come home to take care of things for his mom after his father died (when DH was in his early 20s, before he married BM) and he felt like he didn't get to live his life as a result. I told him that he might have also held it against his mother that she encouraged him to marry BM because she told him that at his age, he should be married. DH told me that, that was part of it, but that he also resented his mother because she refused to help him when he was getting a divorce. DH had asked his mother if she would help him pay for an attorney and she said no (I knew his mother had not helped him, but didn't realize he'd asked her outright for help). He also asked his brother - who is an attorney - if he would be willing to help or knew someone who would and his brother also said no (I knew that he had asked his brother for help and that his brother said no). Now, before you think that maybe MIL didn't have the money to help with an attorney - two years after the divorce, BM asked MIL for a "loan" of $5000 because she "needed money". MIL gave her that money and BM never repaid it (not surprising, even though BM earns over six-figures a year).
DH thinks - and I tend to agree with him - that his family believes that he "caused" the divorce because he was working far away during the final years of their marriage. He was working far away because that was when the economy was bad and he had to go where the work was. He was away during the week and home on weekends for a little over a year, I believe. However, he and BM had not been happy for years. According to DH, he thought about ending things 2 years into their marriage, before they had children, but didn't. DH also said that he thought children would "fix" his relationship. In addition, DH has a cousin who works away from home for months at a time and has done for many years, but he and his wife are happily married. I think if you have a functional, strong relationship, you can survive dealing with hardship if it comes up. If you don't have a functional relationship, that's when things crumble. I also believe that in almost all instances, both people "cause" a divorce.
I tend to agree with DH that his family holds his divorce against him because MIL has said things that indicates that she resents DH for getting a divorce. She's also told him that he's a bad parent, regarding things that largely have to do with the divorce. Finally, DH's SIL is downright cold to both of us and one of the only comments she has made to me was about DH's divorce.
A few things that bother me about this:
1) DH's family fails to recognize that the divorce was not DH's choice. He actually fought against it, even though he was miserable with BM. His family also don't seem to care that he was miserable with BM. Yes, it's challenging for his kids to grow up in a "broken home", but it was challenging for his kids to grow up in a high conflict home before that. Could DH have made the situation better with BM? I honestly don't think he could have, because I think BM has a personality disorder and two separate counselors (including one that met with both DH and BM) surmised that BM was emotionally abusive to DH. Also, BM had met another man (her now husband) before she filed for divorce, so she wasn't interested in working anything out. It boggles my mind that DH's family would be mad at DH for going through something that was very painful for him, instead of just feeling sorry for him.
2) Who are DH's relatives to judge what happened in his marriage? They aren't living it. Why can't they just view it as something unfortunate, accept it, and move on? I have an uncle who had a terrible marriage that ended in divorce. When he was married, he never came around because his wife (now ex wife) had decided that she hated our family. After his divorce, he was all of a sudden back and my dad's family accepted him back with open arms and no judgment. My uncle let him move into his house, my dad found him a job. No one held any resentment against him, they just all viewed the whole thing as unfortunate and were glad they didn't have to go through any of it themselves.
3) It kind of boggles my mind that no one in DH's family would help him with the divorce. Because he didn't have a lawyer and BM did, he not only got taken to the cleaners financially, but also got largely cut out of his children's lives. He sees them only EOWE, with some very limited time over the summer. You could argue that DH's family just wanted to stay out of his divorce, but they still don't stay out of things. When BM wants DH to do something for her that he doesn't want to do, she'll tell him "I'll just email your mother and brother and then you'll do it." Then all of a sudden, MIL is telling DH that he should do the thing that BM wants him to do, even if DH had already told BM that he wasn't going to do it. I hold MIL at arms-length because after "a long conversation" with BM, MIL reached the conclusion that one of the reasons BM and DH have conflict is because *I* refuse to interact with BM. MIL had the nerve to tell DH that *I* should sit down with BM and work out my differences with her. Um, we don't have differences that can be worked out, BM is crazy and I choose to protect myself from that crazy by avoiding her.
My family certainly has their own dysfunctions, but they pale in comparison to DH's family. Also, I have set healthy boundaries with my family, to prevent their dysfunctions from intruding into my life. It bothers me that I now have to deal with all of this crap, when I've worked so hard to set healthy boundaries with my own family. DH's family pretends everything is wonderful, but then they have all this resentment and dysfunction floating below the surface. I think the whole lot of them should have to sit in a big group therapy session. I personally feel very detached from DH's family because of all this and because they've been sort of stand-offish around me. The only thing that DH has told me is that "my family is just protective of my children," which is interesting, since I don't think I've given any of them any reason to feel as if they had to protect his children from me.
All of this is deeply on my mind, because this weekend, DH has to go to a work event on Saturday, leaving me to take SS to his football game. The game is in MIL's town. I know that the good DIL thing to do is to invite MIL to join us at the football game, but I really don't want to. I know that I will, because I'm trying to be nice and rise above the drama, but man, it feels like a devil's bargain.
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That's too bad that his
That's too bad that his family is treating him that way - like they're on BM's side. I too am dealing with a crazy, drama filled BM but luckily my SO's family knows her for what she is and have taken to me. There's a lot to be said for "disengaging" like everyone talks about on this forum. Because there's so much dysfunction in his family, you'll probably be better off. Sounds like you'll do the right when around his family but don't let them pull you in. Good luck.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm pretty
Thanks. Yeah, I'm pretty disengaged thanks to a couple of things MIL has said implying she already thinks I'm just out to screw the kids over and the fact that DH's brother and sister-in-law always have excuses for why they can't come to any events related to us. They came to our wedding, but I know SIL would have gotten out of it, if she thought she could have and I don't even think she said one thing to me at the wedding.
Just makes it that much easier for me to plan to move closer to my family when SSs are adults.
Frankly, it shouldn't be on
Frankly, it shouldn't be on you to be the football chauffeur. I would absolutely not invite mother-in-law Along for the ride and if she tries to insert herself, I'd hand it over to her entirely.
I agree with you on the
I agree with you on the football chaffeur, but DH was invited to a special conference for leaders in his field, so I agreed that it's good for him to go.
I'm kind of hoping that this is one of those weekends where football-playing SS makes some excuse as to why he can't come to our house.
Oops posted on wrong thread
Oops posted on wrong thread somehow
OP be very sure you want to
OP be very sure you want to marry into this family.
At least you are observant.
NOW is the time to sit back and watch everyone. Are they pushy and does DH block them from behaving this way OR does he over look it?
**There is a difference between his family have strong opinions about the divorce VERSES judging. The word Judging is so misused and over used. Most of the time people use that word incorrectly**
DH has tried to set
DH has tried to set boundaries with his mother, but I honestly think he doesn't know how. His attempt at setting boundaries usually involves something like yelling at his mother to stop meddling in his life, leading her to get upset and list all the justifications for why she's meddling. It's not exactly him explaining "mother, when you talk to BM and tell her what you think I should do, you are undercutting me as a parent and a person. If you continue to do that, I will xyz."
Also, well taken your points about opinions and judging. I think MIL has a lot of opinions on what people should do that shifts into judging because she persists in telling everyone how she disagrees with what that person should have done.
In DH's case, his mother certainly resents him for getting divorced and periodically will tell him he's a bad father if he doesn't do what she thinks he should, pushing her into the judgment realm. Another complicating piece - I think DH viewed his father as the more supportive parent and also as a moderating force on his mom. Because his dad is gone and has been for a while, so he can almost deify his father, as well. I also suggested that perhaps some of his resentment toward his mom is also really him missing his dad. That and I think his mother shares some tendencies with BM, so now that DH is "out of the fog" of seeing BM's behavior as "normal", he can also see some things his mother did and said to him that were unfair or dysfunctional.
Chef's parents died when he
Chef's parents died when he was in his late twenties--he developed an unhealthy relationship with his MIL (BM's BM) similar to a surrogate parent thing. Actually LIVED with Battleaxe Galactica before he married the Girhippo. thusly battlexe, the ever enmeshed parent,lived vicariously through the Girhippo. HUGE red flags!!
No one from Chef's family helped him during his divorce either. similar to your circumstances, Chef also did not get an attorney, but the Gir lawyered up, took him to the cleaners and PASed out the skids.
And now even Chef's family abandoned him even though they despised the Girhippo. only come around when they want something. Keep your eyes open and grow a pair of eyes in the back of your head.
Thinkthrice, I think your
Thinkthrice, I think your nicknames for the BM in your life and her family are my favorite.
Fortunately, DH did not have a strong relationship with his ex-MIL, then again a lot of BM's issues seem to extend from the fact that her mommy didn't love her enough. According to DH, BM's mother didn't like BM because she's had a weight problem all of her life. BM was constantly in a snit over the fact that her parents didn't spend enough time with SSs and I don't think her mother has ever attended a sporting event. I think DH's mother likes feeling needed, so was happy to step into the void of helping BM, even if BM was using her. BM would never ask her own parents for money, but was fine having DH ask his mother for money after the divorce (why DH agreed to do it really blows my mind). I might feel bad for BM that her mother seemed so cold to her, but since she's taken on mommy's least becoming traits - belittling her husband, thinking everyone is out to get her, lashing out when she doesn't get her way - that it's hard to feel sorry for her. She's an adult after all, so now she's choosing to be that way.
Funny thing was that Chef
Funny thing was that Chef FOOLED himself into thinking he had a good relationship with Battleaxe. Nothing could have been further from the truth. She isolated him and the skids from his family and only wanted him around for his construction skills. The Gir's family always thought that they were better than Chef's family. Truth be told, they are white trash with some money who put on airs.
Sounds just like BM's family.
Sounds just like BM's family. They are always bragging about how much money they have, but I know they've been sued by collection agencies several times over the last few years. I think BM thinks she's going to inherit a lot of money when her parents die, but I think they're leveraged to the hilt and spend money like they're Rockefellers, so she'll be lucky if she gets anything, but debt.
They did buy her current house - she can't buy anything because she owes too much money to the IRS - but I think they took out another mortgage on their own house (which they haven't been able to sell despite listing it twice in the last five years) to do that.
DH's ex FIL tries to buddy-buddy with DH by asking him to go fishing and out to lunch, but he also tries to get involved in DH's issues with BM (he wanted to attend their latest mediation as a "supportive third party" and also tries to convince DH that he should do more to make BM happy), so I don't trust him. DH just feels awkward that ex-FIL still calls him.
yeah definitely do not trust
yeah definitely do not trust him. The Gir has been estranged from HER biodad by Battleaxe, however he DID get the job of babysitter when YSS was younger. The Gir, albeit MOTY, was always pawning her kids off on someone... anyone but Chef after she found StepDaddyBigBucks. SDBB is also a good 10 yrs older than the Gir so acting as surrogate father figure for the Gir.
Battleaxe is on her 4th or 5th victim,...errrr I mean "husband" I lost count. the universe must be running out of men she can boss around.
OLD BATTLEAXE omg I have not
OLD BATTLEAXE omg I have not heard that word in a very long time. lol
I can say with 100percent certainty I have run into a few of those.