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strugglingat28's picture

I just wanted to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones (or "live'in"s, whether you love them or not!)

Thank you all for your recent support and help with my situations, and I hope that you all each get at least a peaceful day out of your Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for....all of you!


holeekrap789's picture

we have a tradition in my house where after grace and before eating we go around the table and everyone states 1 thing we are grateful for...
I don't know about everyone else on here but I am grateful for the family I have, no matter how screwed up, weird, or "different" we all are.
Oh yeah to me family is not just biological but it also includes my circle of close friends and my on line family!
Happy Thanksgiving from me and Steve! I hope everyone has the chance to relax and enjoy their holiday.
God Bless All

Lisa Dawn

Sita Tara's picture

B/c I know it could always be worse. We are all healthy, we have a decent home, clothes, food etc. I always take today to try to put those things in perspective.
Peace, love, and red wine

lcooper's picture

Tough one this year, we are going through a hard time. But, I am still thankful for the health of ALL of my children. And I am thankful for the support of everyone on this site.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Seasons's picture

Today is a day that I have always tried to show and tell others what I am truely thankful for... It is almost 8:49 pm and this is the first time today I have heard others being thankful... How nice. I just really want to say that I am really thankful for my children and my family and friends that I lost touch with and have recently been able to reconnect to... Life is too short not to hold on to those that we really love. I was with DB and his family it was nice it was different of course which I can only appreciate as he has spent the last 2 years with me and my family. This is something that I am also grateful for and you know he never complained or anything about it... What a nice guy. Hope all is well with everyone and I can't wait to go shopping in the morning.

Most Evil's picture
