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Tomorrow is the day......

stronggirl's picture

So tomorrow is court for DH and I am really nervous...he is trying to get temporary custody for educational neglect and we have a good chance...but I am so nervous...nervous for DH to fail and then he feel so helpless and then to win and to have to help everyone figure out our new life. 20 hours to go.....I AM FREAKING OUT


stronggirl's picture

Thanks guys..DH has been really on edge and it is hard to really understand how he feels because it is all him at this point and what him and his lawyer can convince the judge....and the fact that no one ever seemed to care to mention it to him....I mean we did not even find out for a year that he had been held back....and you feel guilty because when you are a kid you think no big deal...but when you are an adult you say what we all say...if I knew then what I know trying to get a teenager to actually listen to his dad when BM tells him not to worry....uck....

DaizyDuke's picture

in my state people in the health field and education field are what they call "mandated reporters" so if a nurse notices suspicious burns on a child at a routine check up, or a guidance counselor has a student who has excessive absenses, etc. they are required to submit a "hotline" to the state DSS department.. this opens a case with CPS and a caseworker is assigned to investigate.

however, anybody can file "hotlines" with the state if they suspect abuse.