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HELP going out of my mind.....going into depression....:(

StressedOutMommy's picture

I am the mom to four children who live with us, and one who lives with her mom. Two of the four are my BC and two are my SC. We got custoday of my step daughter when she was 13 because her mom couldnt handle her anymore and she wanted to live with us, this is where the nightmare began.

She moved in with us shortly after her 13 bday and wanted to start dating a good friend of ours who is 21, we said h*** no, she got mad and called child protective services on us and accused us of beating her. Was constantly getting into trouble at school, and stealing and lieing to us. Then we decided to move from NJ to Nevada about two years ago, at that point we seemed to have a good year in Nevada, and she was getting on track, still dealing with the lieing and stealing tho, but a little better in behavior. We spent a yaer in Nevada and I am severe asthmatic so we had to move to Oregon, which is where im from, kid got ticked and went on a rampage again. Cept this time in oregon she is now 15, and got herself arrested for assault with a deadly weapon at school, and once again child protective services were called.

Her brother came to live with us in June of 08, and nightmare number two began. The first week with us he got caught smoking pot, so we called the police on the lady that supplied it, the cops did nothing to him. So we move to oregon, and in oregon he steals a PS 2 from a neighbor kid by breaking into his house, he never admitted it to the cops but admitted it to us, lucky for him she chose not to press charges, we just had to replace it. We asked the officer to arrest him to teach him a lesson, they said they couldnt. This time he is out of control with smoking pot and having sex. SS also makes rude sexual jesters towards me as if he is masterbating on me and trys to bump and grind against me.

We are now back in Nevada, because my husband could not find work and we lost our place because of the kids insidents. We are in a new area and hoping my health will be ok. Both kids are very devious and hide things well, they refuss to go to theraphy in which they all will be starting soon. I am at my total wits end and dont know what to do, I love my husband dearly and I love his kids, but I cant take much more.

My 12 year BC is starting to act like her 16 years old SS. And on top of that my two have issues of there own due to there BF recent deployment to Iraq.

I am open to suggestions and ideas...PLEASE HELP Sad


disgusted's picture

Take your two bio kids and move out until their BD gets them under control..

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

Most Evil's picture

during your BF deployment. It is not your responsibility to deal with such messed up kids by yourself!!! That SS needs to get his *ss kicked for treating you like a sex object, that is beyond objectionable. Put your foot down with DH honey!!!!!!! and that will make you feel better, to take back control over your life.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin