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I was told,not asked

stressed8's picture

out of husband's 8 adult kids, one daughter, who is now 24. So he TOLD me Wed., that she bought a one way bus ticket here. When I asked him where she was going to stay, how long she was staying, etc. he just told me, she can stay here the whole time if she wants or also with her bio mother (who also remarried) that he hasn't seen her in over a year-not our fault, I hate even worrying but she has a recent problem of stealing things-even from a brother who had let her live with him and a problem telling the truth. With Daddy's guilt ( from divorce long ago) and her "emotions" ( never know if she is acting or not) he just sucks it up- I have to just deal with how ever long she will be here ( 21 yr old still here too)


stressed8's picture

i did hide whatever i could-sadly-AND now,,his oldest (37)his taking a bus here omg! I don't know if husband plans on driving the 2 "visiting" back -whenever that is- OR paying for their tickets back? of course with souch drama going on, if I ask and/or give my opinion,it WILL turn into an arguement, with me getting the silent treatment while all the skids here,will never notice anything wrong-they can never do any wrong-it seems. I feel like we are a bank and home for the wayward skids and he just allows it- they do make it known-whether intentionally or not-they we "here" first -very frustrating