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The sweet whispers of a homeschool teacher...

stormabruin's picture

I haven't posted a blog in awhile. We have court in December to have SS taken off the CS & BM has ramped up the drama.

A bit of background on this particular part of the story:

We discovered awhile back (probably 1 1/2 years ago), through a friend of DH's that BM's neighbor is DH's friend's future MIL. We never mentioned the discovery to BM or the kids, & DH's friend never mentioned it to FMIL. She (FMIL) was the one who mentioned to friend that DH's kids were not attending school & she told them all about the "rif-raf" coming & going from BM's house at all hours of the day & night.

DH & I took SS & his gf out to eat a couple of weekends ago. SS has met DH's friend a few times & out of the blue said, "Dad, what did you say (friends) girlfriend's name is"? DH asked why & SS said he was "just wondering". Right. So, DH told him her name.

After we dropped them off, DH & I agreed that he wouldn't just be wondering something like that. We figured they'd found out there was a connection. So, DH talked to SS a few days later & asked about it, wanting to find out why he asked. SS was hesitant, & DH said, "Son, your old dad's smarter than you give him credit for being. I already know about what you're keeping from me", but I don't understand why".

They talked about it. SS said they were in the neighbor's house (friend's FMIL) a couple weeks ago & BM was looking at the pictures she had in the living room. She saw friend's picture & mentioned that he looked familiar but she couldn't place him. SS looked at the picture & said, "That's dad's friend, (name)".

SS asked how DH found out & he told him we've known for about 1 1/2 years. He explained that he didn't say anything about it because he didn't want any shit to get started.

Well, it didn't take 2 hours from the time it left DH's mouth for our phone to ring again & hear it from DH's friend. 2 hours!!! It went from DH to SS to BM to FMIL to friend's gf to friend & back to DH, & boy had the story grown!

Given that background, this is what transpired last night:

So, we live far enough out that our cell phones don't ring through most of the time when we're at home. The only way to know someone has called is if they leave a message.

DH's phone beeped around 9:30pm to let him know he had a new voicemail. He assumed it was someone calling about where he needed to show up for work this morning, so he called from the house phone to retrieve the new message.

By the expression on his face I could tell it wasn't good. He listened, & listened...& listened. Finally, as the message is still playing I asked who it was. He said, "You're not going to believe this", & then he listened some more. The message was from BM's neighbor, the woman homeschooling SD. I swear, the message she left was no less than 4 minutes long.

His jaw was on the floor by the time it finished playing & he handed me the phone.

I hit ** to replay. The shit that woman said to him was unreal.

She introduced herself by name & lit into him about what a piece of shit he is. She called him a deadbeat dad, a deadbeat drug addict, & a deadbeat alcoholic all in one sentence. She verified that she is in fact homschooling SD & is "proud of it". She stated that she is proud of SD as an individual & that "she's a whole lot smarter than her daddy is". She told him she hates that he spends any time around her grandkids (friend's kids) & that she'll support BM 110% in court. She said that SS & SD have told her all the shit he's said about her & verified that DH doesn't know her well enough to say anything about her & he needs to "keep his mouth off of her". (That part sounds really gross, but it's what she said.) She said that DH has been a very bad influence on her future son-in-law & has turned him into an alcoholic.

Now, SD doesn't even speak to DH, so I'm not sure why she's saying that SS & SD have told her what he's said about her. The only thing he told SS about her was that he knew she was their neighbor & he reminded SS that we took him to her old house to see their big turkey before she left her husband & moved out to where she is now. That's it!

SS called & told DH that neighbor/teacher had sent a text saying that she's cussed DH up & down several times in the past. DH told SSy that they'd never spoken enough for her to have the opportunity, now she's pissed like DH acts like he knows all about her!

DH & friend drink when they're together. They're both grown & they make their own choices. For her to suggest that DH's influence is what makes friend drink, she's as big a moron as BM is. DH's influence isn't the problem. The problem is that neighbor/teacher is a control freak like BM, & is pissed because friend chooses to stay out fishing & drinking with DH & she can't MAKE him not do it. God forbid somebody do something neighbor/teacher doesn't fucking like.

Same thing with DH being around her grandkids. She's raised her kids. friend & his gf (neighbor's daughter) are raising their own kids & neighbor's pissed because she doesn't like the way they're raising them. She can't control it.

As for supporting BM 110% in court, evidently BM has led her to believe there is something to battle. The only thing being addressed in court is CS for SS. There is nothing to fight or support or not support. The kid is 18 & not in school. That's it!

She friended me on FB yesterday. I thought perhaps she wanted to see what we're about. I accepted her friend request (with security applied the same as I have it set on SS & BM's mom).

Obviously her friending me on FB wasn't about trying to get to know DH & what's he's about. So, I unfriended her this morning & changed my status to:

"Ignorance is what we spew when we rant based on lies we've been told. Be wise enough to get the facts before you speak."

I made that status public, so that's all she can see now.

I will continue to post statuses with similar ideas & I will begin posting some to educate about Parental Alienation abuse on a regular basis, & I will make those public so that neighbor can see them. SD will be able to see them if she looks at my page, but BM won't because I have her blocked. I'm sure she'll be notified of them as they are posted, though.

DH is pissed. He's upset about the kids being involved in all of this. He's nervous about this woman homeschooling his daughter because of the anger & involvement she has toward him.

I'm not sure what will happen in court. It's just supposed to be about pulling SS off the CS. I don't know if BM will pull more into it than that, or if the judge will let her. I would think it'd have to be filed as another court hearing, but I don't know for sure.

I need to call the phone company & find out how to keep the message she left. On ours, even if we save them they go away after 2 weeks. We need to be sure he has it for future reference.

I want DH to ask the judge to order SD back into public school next year so that he can contact the teachers, keep up with her attendance & her grades & be involved, but I don't know if the judge will do that. DH is hesitant to address/argue it just because he gets fucked every time he tries to fight something.

Why can't she (BM) just let shit fucking go??? I swear, there will never be rest as long as she's alive. It's like her mission in life is to ensure that DH never gets a day of peace.


SisterNeko's picture

When I get 'juicy' txt I save them by Photographing my phone with the date stamp in the message and my camera settings. Not sure if would hold up in court but it work for black mail any way.

alwaysanxious's picture

Play it to a voice recorder if you want to keep it. Be sure to include the VM announcement of the date and time.

I've done this.

DaizyDuke's picture

So, I remember helping you a little with the home school end of your nightmare and as I'm reading your post, I'm thinking that this woman is a loon and should not be "teaching" anyone if she is acting like this. With that said, I do recall that the HS regulations in your state were very similiar to those in my state and in my state it is illegal for someone to homeschool a group (more than one) of children as they would be considered as running their own private school and as such would have to be registered with the state. Now of course this doesn't apply to a parent who is home schooling mulitple children, but this woman is just the kooky neighbor.

Not sure if you want to go down that road, but it's worth looking into. Might knock the kook down a few pegs if it is against regulations and she gets blown in and will also obviously be another notch in your belt when court comes around that BM is having her children home schooled illegally.

It's usually the people that get on their high horses and spout off that have the most skeletons in their closet.

stormabruin's picture

She is a loon. By word of friend, she's a man-hating, pill-eating bitch. However, she is a school teacher. She teaches in a district outside of the one they live in & homeschools SD.

CPS & the school district were investigating the education end of things. They have yet to contact DH about any of it, but I would think in their investigation they'd have addressed her credentials to teach, wouldn't they?

DaizyDuke's picture

so this "wonderful" {gag} woman is teaching children all day and then supposedly home schooling SD sometime AFTER this woman's school day is over, presumably at 3:30-4:00 pm each day? Wow! That's quite the educational plan for SD... what a joke! What the heck does SD do all day long?

stormabruin's picture

SD does the same thing SS, BM, & BM's 1/2 brother do all day. They sleep until they wake up & go back to bed when they get tired.

We went to friend's house Saturday & I asked his gf (teacher's daughter) about the homeschooling. She said as far as she knew it wasn't happening. She said her mom sometimes doesn't get home from work until 7pm. I'm not sure when they manage to squeeze SD's lessons in. My guess is they don't.

DaizyDuke's picture

Unbelievable that BM is that hell bent on denying her kids an education. Ususally people like this are keeping their kids out of school because they are hiding something or because kids are running the show and refusing to go to school. But if I remember correctly, your skids wanted to be in school? Scary and just so sad, they'll never get this back.

stormabruin's picture

I don't know if they wanted to be in school. I think they just want whatever's easiest, & sadly, that ends up being whatever BM wants. It keeps them on her good side which makes life easier for them.

I do believe BM keeps them distant from others to keep them dependent on her. She wants to ensure that they'll never turn on her or leave her. Men leave her. Her friends leave her. The only way she can keep her kids from leaving her is to keep them cut off from the rest of the world.

The few friends they have come to their home. If they want to do something that is outside of their home, she will pull it in. They want to go to a party? She has a party in their home. They want a sleepover? She invites the friends to their home. They want to drink or smoke weed? She lets them do it in their home.

SS wanted to spend time with his girlfriend. BM moved the gf into their home.

As long as she's providing & allowing them to have whatever they want in the confines of her walls, she seems to believe they'll never leave.

I honestly believe she has a mental illness. As far as I'm aware she's never been diagnosed, but no normal person behaves the way she does or has the metality she has.

Jsmom's picture

Your best bet is to use the tape recorder on your phone or get one. Put the VM on Speaker and record it. They will delete the VM. They can extend it, but you need a permanent record.

Just take her to court, they will probably force her back to a regular HS.

stormabruin's picture

We do have a small tape recorder we can use to save it on. Yes, we definitely want to keep it permanently.

Nette5's picture

Our BM sent a letter to us requesting our approval to put SS into a private religious school. She said that he wouldn't be taking part in any of the religious parts & that she & her DH would pay for it because it was their choice. We thought hard, looked into the school, & back a letter expressing our reasons for NOT wanting SS moved to this other school.

A couple of weeks later, I call the public school that where SS had been enrolled (it was Teacher Appriciation Day & I wanted to send a card) only to be told that SS had been pulled out of that school & put in the private religious school that we had said 'no' to SS attending.

That June we had court & due to BM putting SS in the private school w/o DH's permission (joint legal custody), we were able to get in the paperwork that SS would attend public school unless both parents agreed to him attending elsewhere.

Now we have custody & SS is still in public school, but BM didn't like the one we chose. She can't argue because the paperwork didn't say we had to agree on WHICH public school.

stormabruin's picture

When DH contacted the lady that oversees the homeschool students a few months ago she told him that BM was supposed to have gotten his agreement to put them in the homeschooling program. She never did.

DH gave the lady through the school district his contact information & they have yet to contact or update him on any of what's happening with his kids.

BM won't work with him. The lady through the district has already proven to be incompetent of keeping up with the kid's enrollment/progress in the homeschooling program & won't follow up with DH. The judge is a crooked bitch who gives DH the shaft EVERY.FUCKING.TIME. he steps into her courtroom.

Even without addressing the education aspect (& I don't know that the judge will let him address it because it's supposed to be a CS hearing) the thought of him having to step foot in that courtroom again is terrifying.

WickednNasty's picture

Storm didn't you go to the school and determine that the testing wasn't being done thru the shcool? I would assume BM went to this woman to save her sorry ass. If it gets brought up in court tell Dh to ask to see tests. If he can't ask what school district they were filed thru?

stormabruin's picture

Yes, DH went & got the documentation showing when the kids were enrolled in homeschooling & when they were enrolled in public school. There was nothing indicating that either of them was enrolled at all last year, or up to the day he went a few months ago.

The homeschooling lady hadn't followed up on them at all since year before last because BM told her they'd moved out of the district. She put their records in a "Defunct" file & never followed up.

If for no other reason, DH needs to have access to records. BM has proven she is unwilling to be truthful about the kids' education. He needs to be able to make a phone call & get grades, attendance, & anything else. He needs to have access to their teachers & be able to speak with them about his children.