BM FB & Progress with SS! :)
So, there are some minor things going on with BM & FB. Yeah, I know...stay off of it. However, I have my reasons for being on it.
With that said, BM is obviously upset about me posting on SD & SS's FB pages. I'm not writing on their walls or commenting anything. SD has posted new pics & to let her know that we notice her & pay attention to what is going on with her, I "liked" 2 of her new pics. After I "liked" them BM posted the comment, " Beautiful!!!!!!! You take after your mom, thank GOD!!!!!"
What makes that so funny to me is that SD is a mirror image of DH. If I had no couthe, I'd have replied with something like, "Thank GOD your looks aren't even the best thing about you!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, apparently the ongoing exclamation marks are necessary.) Thank GOD you have a beautiful generous heart & a compassionate loving soul!!!!!!!!! Thank GOD you take after your dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" However, the class I have encouraged me to leave it alone.
I am well-aware that she posted it knowing I would read it. I'm certain she posted it with the intention of getting under mine & DH's skin. She has this way of just taking little jabs with a sharp little pin EVERY time the opportunity arises. I made no comment.
SD made a status update:
Hmm wondering what this weekend will bring.
One of BM's random guy friends: Probably rain baby........I am so tired of rain
SD: you aint kidding.
SD: april rains brings may flowers(:
Me: "Like"
BM: AAAWWW, I have taught my baby girl well with her words, and hi BM's random guy friend!!!
The first thing to jump out at me when BM commented was the irony in her statement about teaching her baby girl well with her words...because her statement alone is improper use of words. LOL! Not to mention that the phrase is, "April showers bring May flowers". Again...the irony.
The next thing that jumped out (that I believe she fully inteded for me to notice) was her acknowledgement of the presence of the random guy friend but the only acknowledgement of my presence was her making a point of taking full credit for teaching SD her words.
I went to SS's page & noticed that he'd added DH's nephew to his friend list. I "liked" it. 47 minutes later, BM had "liked" him changing his relationship status, his adding Eminem to his interests & his adding NBA to his interests...the only other activity he's had on his page since he added me to his friends.
She seriously is behaving like a dog...pissing all over their pages to mark her "territory". Whatever. I'm not going to play the game. I'm not going to contribute to turning their FB pages into battlegrounds for them & all of their friends to have to read around.
I feel certain she looks at my page via the kids accounts. In the event it happens, I posted a status update for her to give some thought to. It wasn't dedicated to her in any way. It can apply to anyone. It's simply a "something to think about" statement. I posted:
Remember: Actions speak louder than words! Telling people you're awesome means nothing if your actions prove otherwise.
And frankly, if you constantly feel the need to spotlight yourself to make people notice how awesome you are, you should probably re-think your level of awesomeness. If you've got it, you've got it. If you don't...sorry.
Immature? Probably. Did it make me feel better? Yep. Did it hurt anyone in the process? Nope.
I also noticed that BM deleted the song dedication & statement to her children on her page about, "I know your dad has always hurt you....". She kept it up for a week & not a soul touched it. She's since taken it down.
Onto the progress with SS...
After the FB stuff yesterday I was kind of left wondering about how the kids felt about having me on their pages. DH had the day off & went fishing for the day. SS called last night & I told him his dad wasn't home...he'd gone fishing. I expected him to say, "Okay. Will you just have him call me when he gets home?". I was stunned when he went right to, "Oh. Okay. Well, how are you guys doing?" "How's your job going?" "Is it okay if I come spend some time with you guys this weekend?" "I really like spending time with you & dad & miss you guys". He went on to talk to me about the trouble he's having with his girlfriend moving away & was wanting advice about whether or not to continue carrying on a long-distance relationship.
I was completely beside myself with his real sincere desire to have this conversation with me. I was thrilled, but stunned.
He isn't expecting a big spendy weekend. I told him with DH not getting a lot of hours we didn't have a lot of money to go out & eat or go to movies, etc. He said he just wanted to come play PS3 with us & just have some time with us. I wanted to cry when he said, "I really love you guys & I'm so glad I have a relationship with you again." I told him we were thrilled with it & that his dad is like a different person without the strain & stress of court, the hurt & anger from the rejection, & with having the reconnection between them. He chuckled a little bit & said, "Me too. I'm just glad I feel like I can really talk to him about anything. My dad is something else". I was nearly giddy.
I can't believe he has come around the way he has & not just with DH. He is respectful of me & honestly wants ME in his life...the woman who "took his dad away from him".
So, BM can continue pissing on his FB page for all I care. He is reaching the point where he'll take it upon himself to just piss higher to cover her stench & reclaim himself.
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I don't know that it's so
I don't know that it's so much turning 18 as it is having had the "opportunity" to REALLY get to know BM.
It just happens that by 18 he's been awaiting a getaway for a couple of years. I imagine it's probably like counting down to Christmas! LOL!
I blocked BM and ANYONE that
I blocked BM and ANYONE that is remotely related to her. I don't want to see ANYTHING she writes, even though her IGNORANCE & desperate need for English Grammar for Dummies is quite amusing to me. I don't even comment on SS18's wall anymore and he actually lives with us! For your own peace of mind I'd block the bitch.
I think she's keeping up with
I think she's keeping up with my page through SD's account because we are friends. I do have certain information (my friend list, my family connections, my work info, & a couple of my photo albums with family members) blocked from skids accounts so that she won't have access to it.
It kills me when she demands the spotlight, stumbles trying to show everyone how smart she is, & has no idea. LOL!
BTW - Congrats on having a
BTW - Congrats on having a beautiful connection with your SS. I have a good relationship with my SS18 as well. Despite the BM trying to pull the "your dad abandoned you for that bitch" crap. They aren't stupid, they know wassup.
Stormabrunin, wahhhhhhhooooo
Stormabrunin, wahhhhhhhooooo for you!! Im so glad that SS is coming around!! Gives all of us "wicked step mom's" a breath of hope....We all know the dream of: IT MAY REALLY HAPPEN?!?!?
I'm a FB stalker lol!!...I just call it protecting myself and the ones I love....It never fails to surprise me WHAT people (the psycho ex) will post on their FB pages.....and Thank Goodness I have figured out how to copy the info and save many many psycho post get deleted so I have learned to print it the minute I see it....makes others see the psycho~ness of the rants when and if they are ever needed...
My girls treat their step dad (my DH) with love and respect...genuine love and WHY can't my SD13 do the same??
I agree with FB being a HUGE sorce of info....juicy juicy info!!!
I print the posts she makes,
I print the posts she makes, & while we don't plan to be seeing her in court again, I keep it all in a folder in my craft room at home. That way, if/when questions arise, I will have them on hand.
Yes, I have learned to save them as soon as I see them because the things in question tend to disappear.
That is the sweetest thing!!!
That is the sweetest thing!!! It makes me really hopeful for the future
Sooooo happy for you!
SS has always been very
SS has always been very strong-willed & has never hesitated to say exactly what is on his mind. In fact, through all of this, DH has had to remind him a number of times to respect his mother because she's his mother, & to treat her like a lady because she get the point.
He has told DH that he throws BM leaving them in her face when he gets mad at her, & that's something that DH has had to explain a number of times...that the past is in the past. It's important to work on ourselves to forgive others for their wrong-doings & choose to heal. He's explained that part of real forgiveness & healing is letting go of things & working to progress.
I really think that DH's approach...his continuous efforts to to teach him respect for parents despite the uglies BM has thrown at him has helped SS realize that DH hasn't been out to get anyone. In all of this his purpose hasn't been to hurt anyone. He certainly hasn't been perfect in all of it, but it's clear that his intentions were good in all of it & he was at least making the effort to make the right choices.
DH & I are sharing a vehicle for now, as he lost the transmission in his truck a few weeks ago, so I will be going with him to pick up SS after work this evening. That means I will get to see SM. I will be certain to smile & wave & say hello.