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Phew! Birthday went pretty OK

Storm76's picture

So the meal out with SS10 for his birthday went pretty well yesterday, once we'd actually picked him up... My OH was stuck in bad traffic getting home from work, and as he is one the slightly later shift this week he'd already said to SS that it wouldn't be before 7 that we picked him up. So, he gets home about 5 to 7, grabs the presents, card etc & as I'm driving he tries to call SS to tell him we're on our way, but phone is engaged. 5 minutes later SS10 phones him and is screaming down the phone that we're late, where are we, you're ruining my birthday, I hate you etc etc - OH explains he got stuck in traffic, tried to call but it was engaged etc & tells him off for shouting & the things he said.

Once we'd picked him up though we had a lovely evening - SS10 was very appreciative of his presents, very polite, even ate some vegetables at the restaurant(!) but I can't help but wonder what was going on at BM's house to get him so wound up like that. Was she deliberately bad mouthing us for being 10 minutes late? Was she ignoring SS10 completely? He doesn't have these temper tantrums when he's staying with us, and it's frustrating not knowing what's causing them.


Amazed's picture

CONGRATS Storm!! Sounds like other than the meltdown before the party you guys did pretty well! So happy for you!!! I'd hate to think BM would purposely magnify the fact that you guys were running late just to make her own kid have a meltdown like that. Sickening if that's true. But hey,at least his birthday wasn't ruined Wink

~The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.~
Oscar Wilde