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BM feels entitled

Storm76's picture

Compared to a lot of people on here, I know I've got it pretty easy with BM, but I can't get over her feeling of entitlement to whatever she wants.

Yesterday she phoned my OH with about half an hours notice to say she'd got caught up and he would 'have' to go pick SS10 up from after school club. Now, as OH works 40 miles from home getting stuck in bad traffic is a fairly regular occurence, so I wonder what she would have done if he'd turned around & said he was.

On several occassions OH gets a phone call from her saying she's run out of money & there's no food in the house, whenever SS10 needs something like school shoes, a new coat etc she tells OH when he picks him up for the weekend - he's even paying for the birthday party that she organised on what was supposed to be our weekend to have SS!

So, to those of you who've given birth - does something happen in the delivery room? Are you briefed at anti-natal classes? Why is it that having given birth there seem to be so many women who just sit there with their hand out? I see it all the time in my work as well, women popping out babies to get as much as they can in support from fathers & the state. I've reached the age of 33 without having a child, through my own choice, and I get absolutely nothing from anyone to support me, so why as a society do we make it OK for lazy b1tches to sponge of others for the rest of their lives?

I used an online tool to find out how much I'd get if I was a single mother with 2 kids, not looking for work, and I was shocked at how much (and thought hey, perhaps I've gone about things the wrong way!)- to earn that amount I would have to get a job paying about £18000 a year before taxes - compared to our national minimum wage which comes out to around £11000 per year (before taxes). Through in child support on top of that and no wonder these women who never work are living the life of riley! Somehow then, BM is probably better off than me, cos she's got all her benefits, student loan coming in, OH pays the mortgage, yet she's always after us for cash?

p.s. having a rant at particular subset of mothers, I know you peeps on here are lovely & not spongers at all!


reeny511's picture

welcome to my world! the BM in my life actually got mad at us because DH wouldn't pay to get her car fixed. It's not our responsibility to get her car fixed or pay for her gas/insurance. But she EXPECTS IT!!!! good grief! I could go on and on.

stepoff's picture

I personally think that there are some women who really don't want to work or support themselves. They find a man, get married and pregnant, get divorced and live the high life. Now in my case, I had my first son at age 37, so I've had the opportunity to see both sides of life - both being single and independent and being married and pretty much dependent. However if DH and I ever did split, I would never expect him to 'support' me or our kids financially on his own. The way I see it, we both made them and we would both support them in every way. DH's ex sat on her butt for more than half of their marriage and when they divorced, she kept everything that was left AND got CS. DH also paid for both of the skids' cars AND put them both thru college. BM did (and still does) nothing. I truly believe that the court system is much more supportive of BMs rather than what is fair - which is for BOTH parents to provide for their kids. It's just not right.

DISbelief's picture

I have given birth... twice. I am no longer with their dad. I have never asked him for one dime. We have 50/50. He makes a significant amount more than I do anually... and DH and I are both in the mortgage industry. Needless to say, for the past 2 years, some extra cash would not only be NICE, but is MUCH needed. I am yet to ask EX for help. I don't want his help. He has the kids half of the time. He pays for their well being while they are over there, and DH and I do while they are with us. So.... unless I was absent that day, there were no classes given upon delivery to teach us entitlement... HOWEVER~ I do know what you are saying. My point is, there ARE normal BM's out there. Don't label me entitled. The only thing I am entitled to is getting my a$$ up every morning and going to work. Wink


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

lovin_my_life's picture

In my case, BM had a "lifestyle" of being a SAHM. Now, I put lifestyle in quotations b/c I believe a SAMH is a privilege; not a lifestyle nor a requirement. I consider a lifestyle somebody who is accustomed to a certain way of living (either poverty, average or an above average way of life). Being a SAHM is IMO a benefit of a marriage. Once the marriage is over, the benefit ends, unless there is a special needs child etc. DH felt that her "lifestyle" should continue and now she acts even more entitled than before. Now, I was a SAHM briefly after the birth of my first daughter and I can understand that it gets lonely after a while being home with kids and you need a break. However, all but 1 of the kids are in fulltime school and SS5 is the youngest and he goes to a "nursery school" 3x's per week, 3 hrs each time. She has a lot of free or "me" time but still gets an attitude if DH is working out of town and can't see the kids on his Tuesday visitation. She feels (IMO) that she is entitled to have DH's endless support just because she planned a future with him which included her not working until all the kids were out of school. She feels that b/c she is a SAHM it's still DH's job to relieve her of those duties (to her it's not a visitation, it's her free babysitting)...

I still wonder what I've gotten myself into!!

"I aint no Carol Brady"

Storm76's picture

I have to say that I can't imagine wanting to be a full time SAHM for years & years. My personal choice would be to work part-time so that I get the social stuff from being around adults for maybe 20 hours a week, but still get plenty of quality time with any kids I have.

BM is a bit like that with my OH too - doesn't see why anything she wants to do should change now their divorcing, thinks she should get given a house outright so she never has to worry about paying rent or mortgage, plus he should give her money every month!

LotusFlower's picture

It really is disgusting, isn't it? seems like there is this culture of women out there who use their children as from what I have seen personally, and I do NOT mean this refers to all BM's cuz I have seen some really awesome BM's....and u know who u are.... :)......but the majority of the ones who seem to cause the most trouble and have the greatest sense of entitlement are the ones with extremely low self esteem, who probably could not keep a man in her life any other way than to hold his children over him. How many of our own DH's with this type of BM stayed in the relationship waaaay longer than he should of "because of his kids" many of us have heard, "I let her have her way so I can see my kids".....Men are raised to be the breadwinners (well, most anyway...LOL) so a manipulative BM can use this to her advantage to hold her hand out...."well I have YUR kids....u have to take care of US"...ummmm...WRONG!!...LOL...I forget who it was on here....maybe crayon? me remember...LOL....the old "golden uterus" syndrome....but these men fall for it....its not until a strong, confident, secure woman comes into his life Wink that he sees how it really should be....two people working TOGETHER to raise their never ceases to amaze me, this type of BM....any animal can give birth to offspring....its what u do with them AFTER they are born that makes u a good Mom.......and I really don't think holding them for ransom for money from their father is being a good Mom....JMO, of this does not apply to the deadbeat Dad....he's just as bad, but I think many of us can attest that this happens to good Dads too....

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

Storm76's picture

lol, love the idea of the 'golden uterus'!

Actually, it's something that I've noticed before through my work & stuff - if you've not actually given birth to a child then your opinion isn't as valid for some reason!