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Old soul, new name

StillStanding's picture

I'm back and I've missed all of you! DH went off the deep end after his son moved to his mother's so I've spent the last month and a half putting up with the fallout. DH has been acting like the kid died. The BB won't let the kid see DH and all but prevented phone contact until last weekend (and the kid was with his grandparents when he finally talked to him). BB filed for CS after she swore she wouldn't. DH is out spending every penny we have/had. To top it all off, he had surgery last week and was told not to drive for 14 days yet he drove himself over an hour away today to a car show. To make it even worse, he's on medical leave for 30 days and my school year is over this Friday. I dread the thought of having to spend all of June with him. He's dragging his feet on getting his short-term disability papers in order so I don't know how he plans on making the house payment come June 1. He has a CS hearing in the middle of June which he isn't preparing for, and I'm about to lose my mind. I'm trying very hard to be patient but I can only do so much and I've about had it with his sharp tongue. I told him before to call the BB, his kid, and his parents and to start yelling at them and directing the anger where it's rightfully deserved.

It would seem his kid has really turned on him to the point where he doesn't even refer to him as "dad" anymore. The kid is still lying to my DH, and I believe he's working him over on when/if he plans on seeing my DH again. DH seems reluctant to even try to force visitation and I don't know why. I told him to get him here while he's off the entire month of June but DH said he can't do anything so there's no point in having him here. :O They didn't do anything when he lived here so I'm not sure why that should change now. There's plenty of painting, inside and out, that needs done and that was not on his list of restrictions but DH isn't following doctor's orders anyhow so that shouldn't be an issue. And I find myself just as sarcastic and cynical regarding this whole situation, if not more, than I had been when it all came about. Regardless, it's good to be back!