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they got mad I LAUGHED.....

Still Standing Strong n Spfld's picture

}:) Just hafta mention Friday's funny! My skids get picked up at 5 at a Casey's down the way.BD takes them.they r out of the truck nd into bm's car that's it. Every Fri and evry Sun 5p.
Well,I allowed the SS9 to take with him, his little "funds jar" that's all it said on it,he's had it since he got his new room,(we traded)in December. Well, because he has a bm that likes to take advantage and all- with all the "collection cans" in her hometown for the same kid I just so happened to use an empty coffee can myself and well, gave one for the other child as well! Younger one did not mind care or notice,it was a can that held his money.
well, Friday switch time, bm & new babby daddy leave,somehow end up behind BD only yo back out of the drive thru,BD calls to give me a heads up and low and behold if bM AND GANG DRIVE RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE CAR BUILT FOR 5 HAS AT LEAST 7-8 PEOPLE IN IT! I guess the can pissed them off. Guess it was supposed to say "help i'm sick"(which again,he was misdiagnosed) or something other. Bm's new bd was trying to get SS9 to give him the can so he could throw it at our house I guess,So SS14 says.
i dunno,I just got a kick out of it. those people are fruit rings
They were celebrating SS9's Bday, I let him take his funds can for extra coins! No biggie...
It's sad that I actually felt pleasure over "hitting" a spot,those people have given me such problems for so long,it felt good to get em a little no mattr how small.! Smile