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So frustrated!!!!

StickAFork's picture

Well, things have been pretty dramatic since SD's "big reveal." Not so much as "dramatic" as just plain frustrating and annoying for me, I guess.

With the site changes, I've tried posting different things a couple of times, but then they don't show up, and by then I've vented and don't feel like re-typing it all, kwim? It's just so exhausting.

Tiny recap: DH has two adult kids: SS24 & SD19. SD is pregnant. Wahoo. His kids have had little to no contact for the last year - year and a half, and then *all of a sudden* SD was being nicey-nice. She was "graduating" from a certificate program and I figured she was sniffing for gifts. WELL, then the *big reveal* and now I know it's going to be about what she can *get* from us. My DH spent a solid year texting, calling, FB messaging, and emailing his little precious ones during the period of time they had no contact. I finally had a discussion with him about not "chasing" them, and he *gasp* actually listened. Smile He stopped. Then the "graduation" thing came up, and EVERYTHING has changed. GRRRRR.

First, OMG, this damn "graduation" is really irritating me! She took a 7 month certificate program that cost $20K and will allow her to get a $10/hour job...if she's lucky. She's still working fast food. OH, and it took her 3 tries to pass the final exam. You would think she's just gotten her doctorate and is off to cure cancer!! Holy crap!! SOOOO annoying!! Everyone is going on and on and on about how proud they are of her, how hard she's had to work, and what an amaaaaazing accomplishment this is! WTF? Seriously?? If it's not on FB, it's in the conversations that DH is now having with MIL and FIL...and his sister. The FB thing is kinda crazy, because every extended family out there has been regaling SD with praise and accolades. (They are either my FB friends, or DH's...and if it's "friends of friends" I get to see it! Whatever, just annoying. I've blocked most of them now just so I don't have to see that stupidity.

DH "wants to be excited" about his first grandchild, and is "processing" the information. He insists that he will be "over the moon" excited as soon as it all sinks in. AWESOME. You know what "excited" translates to? $$$$$$ gifts. I just *know* this is getting more expensive by the month. Yay. And it's going to be tough for me to really say a whole lot, because I spend a lot of $ on my kids. (We have joint finances.) I spend a bunch on a monthly basis, and I tend to give them expensive gifts. (I admit, I need to reign it in.) When we moved a few months ago, I wanted to buy each of my kids a flatscreen DVD combo TV for their rooms. He didn't even balk (although he said he thought it unneccessary) and when I bought them, he didn't hassle me over it. How can I give HIM a hard time for spending money on his daughter/grandchild? I think the fact that she's a raging bitch should be factored in, but he tends to disagree. Wink Sigh....Of course, the evil side of me thinks we sould run out and buy everything just to rub it in BM's face!!

On another note, DH is now texting/FB messaging his little precious ones EVERY DAMN DAY again. It's like the clock just turned back. Sad (No, I don't snoop through his phone, he actually tells me. WHY? I dunno.) EVERY DAY! WTF? Telling them how much he loves them and how proud he is of them. (What he's "proud" of, I'll never understand!) So, now my sweet, loving husband is back to chasing the affections of his children... which, to note, are still being ignored by SS but are NOW being responded to by SD with "I love you, too, daddy!" BLECH. Anyone want to wonder why she now "loves daddy??"

My head hurts.


RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, sorry to hear you're going through all that. Your SD sounds like mine in a few years. And now that Christmas is coming, my SD is being all nicey-nice too. Of course, she never picks up the phone to call or text dear daddy, it's all on him, which now that she's back, he's also been doing

I feel your pain and have a feeling we'll be in the same boat as you in a few short years. Seems SD14 gets praised for every little thing she does and can do no wrong. Her lies and "misunderstandings" are all swept under the rug and DH continues telling her things about our life that she doesn't need to be privy to and then runs back to her mommy and everything gets twisted around.

I can't imagine you and your DH are old enough to be happy about becoming grandparents? If she's only 19 anyway. If this were me, I wouldn't buy her jack shit, no matter what I spend on my own daughter. This is one thing I'm thankful for - DH doesn't shower SD with gifts anymore and doesn't care if I buy my daughter something. And the two of them are never together and aren't friends so the girls don't compare notes.

I wish I could give you advice or make you feel better - but unfortunately, I have nothing but sympathy and empathy. I do hope your day gets better though!

WickednNasty's picture

Deep sigh, I just went thru this with DH. Skids are turning 16 soon and would imagine SS started texting him over the weekend after a long lull following Fraternal Grandparents death. In the course of the conversation, Dh said, "I should just get him a car, I wonder what my Dad would suggest". I looked at him like he was from another planet and tried to keep my mouth shut, but couldn't a few minutes later it just blurted out.

He agreed with me, but I think we'll just have to see as time goes on. Good luck!

StickAFork's picture

Thanks, ladies. I'm just frustrated and pouty. Biggrin

There's just this whole, awful dynamic with DH's family... his parents/sister have been terrible to me (my opinion, his is less so!) and we've had limited contact with them for awhile now. Sister, too... I *finally* extended an olive branch to her, and she took it, then lied to me, and then used the opportunity to go to BM's house for the weekend. Whatever. I truly don't give two shits if she and BM are friends. I was pissed that she LIED to me/DH and then she tried to get SS to do the same. Which, rather ironically, he hemmed and hawed and wouldn't actually lie about it like she was. Surprisingly, SS seemed to actually have a problem with lying to his father and I. BUT, as fate would have it, SIL works at a high school guessed it!! Teen moms.

I think SIL is an obnoxious, bossy, control freak. She has decided she's going to "avail" SD of all the programs out there. So now SD, who works FT and lives rent free with her mother, is now on medicaid and WIC. FREAKING awesome.

I'm just so over it. The worst part? I'm convinced this is an "on purpose" baby. SD has been on BC since she was 14.

Willow2010's picture

(What he's "proud" of, I'll never understand!)
This is one of my biggest pet peeves where BM and DH are concerned. I would say that over the course of the last 10 years, I have heard DH say “he is so proud of SS” at least 500 times. And this is the boy who got in trouble for stealing, fighting, sniffing glue, sexual harassment, ect.

I have told my kids I am proud of them, but not for everything and anything.
EXAMPLE of SS and DH conversation…
SS… I got caught stealing form the teachers lounge today.
DH…Stealing is wrong….but at least you did not steal from you friends. I am so proud of you that you did not steal from you friends.

And now that SS has actually done something to be proud of … (in military) it is really sick how “proud” DH and BM are. lol

StickAFork's picture

Too freakin' funny.
SS and SD both BARELY graduated HS... like, didn't know they were going to make it until the day before the ceremony!
SS did a "certificate" program for $15K that he never actually "graduated" from. He works in fast food. At 24. Maybe one day he'll make manager. Wink
SD, of course, got her certificate, and also works in fast food.

But, yet... DH is texting them DAILY now telling them how proud he is. He's even proud of SD for being "responsible" enough to be a mother. WTF?? I almost lost my cookies when he said THAT one.

Frustr8d1's picture

If your SD is "responsible enough to be a mother" then our BM must be freaking amazing! She became a "mother" twice by 2 different men she scammed AND then she managed to lose custody of both her kids!!

Never raised a child, yet, BM is so "proud" of her babies. What a fking joke!