OT - Rags, Orange County and Kevin the Man got me thinkin...
Yes, excuse the bad English up there... but the guys did get me thinking. I have no brothers. I have 2 older sisters that put me in my place whenever and however I need it and it's not always gentle. My mom and dad never treated us as strictly "girls" - we had no real gender rules in playing or working. If we wanted to do something we were encouraged to do it. People say I remind them of Sheryl Crow - a kind of "rock chick" type of girl, which also fits in to what I do for a living. Not too girly, but not Chastity Bono either! My entire family is self employed (my dad, and all 3 girls each have their own businesses! 2 of us are married, 1 is divorced. I watch my divorced sister and how she handles situations with her EX as a guideline sometimes.)
Anyway, I have no brothers, but I have spent my entire life with just as many male friends as female. There are times that I have more male friends than female. And it's not because I know a darn thing about sports or fixing cars. I don't.
I value their advice because they too, set me straight to see the "other side" when my estrogen gets the best of me!!
My question for the others on here...
Ladies - Do you have brothers that you vent to, or other male friends? Do they give you any support? Or help you see your DH side of things?
The few men on here - Do you have sisters, or grow up in a female-dominated family?
Just curious!!! I know this is completely off topic.
- Stick's blog
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Nope no sisters, Just an incredible Mom a great Dad and two
little Bros (one surviving). I have several female childhood friends that I grew up with in some pretty unusual circumstances that I still keep in regular touch with, a couple of close Female cousins and several HS and College Female friends and a truly amazing Wife.
They all have no problem keeping me straight and letting the wind out of my sails occasionally.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
For me
I have a younger brother. The great thing is that my mom and dad are no-nosense-ERs if you will. They have no problem calling me or anyone else on their BS. That is why I have the personality that I do. I don't sugar coat things because you WANT to hear them. I SAY the things that you NEED to hear. My friends all value me for this reason. DH and I are the same way with each other AND the kids. We don't pacify. I probably have more female friends. There was a time growing up that I had more male friends. Now that I am married, there are more female. I value them all for their own unique perspectives, but the majority of my friends are like me. Tell it like it is. MY BFF God rest her soul, was GREAT at this. We were more than friends..we were SISTERS. We disagreed, but in the morning all was better and we were able to TALK about whatever it was that was going on.
NOW, the only male friend I have that I TRULY count as a male friend is DHs BFF. LOL. Go Figure. We probably gel more than DH and BFF because we are both the Step parent that entered into a marriage raising someone elses kids. We can relate and understand what the other is going through on a deeper level than even my DH can. Yes, DH is SD to my BD, but it has been a lot different and easier for him. I did not allow opposition and backtalk from BD towards him. I would nip, snip and clip any negativity in the bud before it became a problem. As a result, DH and BD have an AWESOME relationship. THAT and the fact that BDs BF was not an interfering presence in their relationship. Sorry to go off on another tangent, but to answer the question. YES, I have ONE really cool male friend that I love like and sometimes better than my brother. (Sorry to my real lil bro).
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Yes, I love hearing exactly what needs to be said.. whether I like it or not. Oh sure... at the time I HATE it... but in the end I appreciate it. I also speak without sugarcoating, which gets me into trouble sometimes (as recently as a few days ago on this forum!!)
So, whenever you think I'm whacked... just TELL me... I'll probably go pout away from my computer, but I'll come back and thank you later!! 
~You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's
I have two sisters (younger surviving but we rarely talk) and an ANGEL of a mother. My dad and I have rarely gotten along and didn't until just a few years ago. Perhaps war caused me to grow up or he had to face the reality of maybe losing me as I would go into riskier and riskier places with the Army (most likely both).
I don't
have any brothers but my father was very strong. I think he wanted a boy and treated me with direct discipline. I was taught not to cry and not to be afraid. I know how to hold my own because of my father. I learned feminity from my mother.
I don't have many male friends but I do value the masculine point of view & learn from it. I learned to be self sufficient by watching men. I sincerely like men and like their no nonsense way of approaching life & problems.
I still think a lot of men are full of sh.. though and highly admire the good ones.