I don't want to get beat up for this one!!
I'm having a few margarita's here and hope you are all enjoying somewhat of an okay or great Memorial Day Weekend! I think the thing that we all need to agree on is not to demonize or hurt each other. So some of you get along with Bio Mom's and can actually feel her pain??? Good for you!! And some of you need to vent before you cut Bio mom's head off with a dull rusty butterknife?? Good for you too! All are welcome here. What we need here, in my own humble opinion, more than anything, is NOT make this site a "let's bitch and make everyone that doesn't agree with us - the bad guys." Let's try to remember to support each other. I have seen things on here that support my opinions and I have definitely seen things on here that make me think twice - from posters who's opinions I respect and look for! So, I guess what I'm saying is,... isn't this a site for all of use to be able to be free to express our opinion? If yes, then I will continue to be able to post and say "yeah, I REALLY REALLY dislike biomom, she's a douche bag"...BUT I will never ever ever be able to understand what it would be like to look at my ex-husband and daughter and see them so much happier with someone else. Or to be afraid that my stupid mistake caused that, which is why I think a lot of the biomoms we deal with are so nutso! I may not be making sense.. I'm having some coconut tequila and wish you all could have a drink with me!! I think we need this site so that we know we aren't alone and these bio-mom's are C-R-A-Z-E-E!!!!! But I also think we need this site for someone to talk us down from that ledge and to help us do the right thing and to help us deal with the kids. Anyway, I wish you all the best and I'm sorry for the SM's out there who deal with the way out there stuff. And while I may not give the answer that you want to hear of how I would handle the situation, I hope you remember, that I don't have an interest - I could care less if Biomom gets what she wants or THINKS she deserves, because I deal with that every day... but I will NEVER EVER condone or say - don't deal with her, don't let her into your house, let the kids know that you think their mom is a jerk... because in the end, I don't think that' helps the kiddles... ??? Sorry!!
- Stick's blog
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I totally agree with you Dannyelle. I think for the most part it is always easy to sit and want to be the bigger person. To try to do what is right for the kids sake. To put the kids interests before your own and all of that other jazz. I just feel that SOME situations do not benefit from that approach.
When I sat back and played the bigger person role I had BM AND my SKIDs attacking me on all levels. I had a BM who fed some pretty horrible crap to my skids about me. Because I was "the bigger person" and chose not to address those issues with the skids. In their eyes it only validated what BM was saying. By not defending myself against the many lies and slander justified everything that BM was dishing out. Now I would go behind closed doors and ball my eyes out and have a knock down drag em out argument with DH over the Psycho EW, but that did not change my skids from believing all of the lies that were spoken about me and DH.
We tried. Hell I tried. We bit our tongues for a little over 8 years. Count it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. That's 96+ months, 2,920+ days not counting leap years, 175,200+ hours and 10,512,000+ seconds... Of being TORTURED by someone because I was trying to do what was right for the kids sake. Now I can't speak for anyone else but I think I gave it the old college try. I still have another 4 years with SD and 6 years with SS since they live with me. At what point does enough become enough? I truly understand and respect that many do not agree with the manner in which I handle things. That's fine. Do what works for you. If that means continuing to be trodded on by the BM then so be it. For me it was realistically no longer an option. I deal with chronic illness. It is one thing that I have to raise someone else's kid while they pretend like they have no responsibility or concerns with regards to them, but for me to sit idly by and allow her to disrespect me to make herself feel better!?!?!? Nope.
I didn't get a say in this matter of raising the skids. When I married BM had CP. BM took the kids to school one day and appeared in court for a hearing. The Judge ordered DH to pick the kids up from school and granted custody...without our asking. DH was only trying to get shared custody so that we could be more involved. It was a horrible situation for all involved because no one can know what it is like as a 5.5 and 7 year old to have your mom drop you off at school and your dad pick you up and now you are living with your dad and SM. Not only that but to then have your mother disappear and not even call you for over 6 weeks. My kids lived a horrible existence when they were with BM. I guess the good thing is that they have been with us so long and had it so good that they don't remember being homeless. They don't remember sleeping in a hotel for 2 months. They don't remember sleeping on someone's floor and being COVERED with ant bites. They have absolutely NO knowledge of that. BUT the minute BM came running back with all of her poison that ate it up. They were kids so I don't expect them to remember the horror that they lived and I am glad that they don't, but I don't believe that I deserve to be trashed because I nurtured them back to health and loved them like my own. Then when BM saw that she did everything she could to make my life a living hell...and she DID.
So, I don't mind doing what needs to be done for them. BUT I will not be disrespected and mistreated and slandered and all of the other crap that BM pulled and continue to keep my mouth shut. Since I have spoken up and put my foot down to the BM and the kids I have not had any major problems from the kids. Their "perception" of things changed once they saw that it wasn't all that BM had made it out to be. So, sometimes silence is not always the right way to handle it either. Would I have preferred that they never know or be involved? Yes. But I didn't involve them and keeping my mouth shut was not helping the situation.
I don't knock anyone for trying to go it a different way, but man do I have problems with folks telling others to be the bigger person. Maybe, just maybe they tried that and it got them no where. At the point where I broke my silence I had become depressed and was ready to walk out on my marriage and for what? BM is not worth it. My DH and Kids need me here and healthy because the reality is that even if I were not in the picture, BM would still not be a better parent. She only cares about her own selfish needs. Her own sisters, brothers and SDad will tell you that much. So, no the kids don't deserve to hear somethings, but they don't deserve to be neglected either.
I think many times when we blog we try to give the condensed version. Hell even with my CONDENSED version it is forever long. But it is nearly impossible to get all of the detail and history into a blog so that one can totally comprehend the magnitude of the situation. So, sometimes it isn't as simple as it would seem. Sometimes the more obvious choice or solution has been tried unsuccessfully. Whichever it is, it is difficult and maybe, just maybe other options have been exhausted and the post-er is now at self preservation. So for those who have NOT had the chance to deal with a REALLY CRAZY BM....Be grateful.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
I feel you Principalist
I agree completely! I think everyone early on tries to 'be the bigger person' but if the situation escalates eventually you have to defend yourself, for everyone's benefit, including our own-!! which is just as important as anyone else's.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
Well I know that this site
Well I know that this site has pulled me off some ledges and I am thankful for that. I do need to vent and I do take the advice on here if I feel it will work for me. This site has saved my marriage and I so thankful for that, I love my DH more than anything and he did not want to hear me vent anymore about BM. I love my SS too, but it is hard to raise someone elses child and they see them 60 days out of the year and can put on an act to be mother of the year, go to all school events and act like a great mom and dad is the mean won for winning in court, but who is there at night when he has a nightmare or needs medicine, not her stupid ass, it is me!!!
Right you are. But sometimes and I am not saying it is the case often, but sometimes the NCP shirks any and all responsibility when they CAN be there. So, yea somethings are out of your control and should not be held against you, but some NCPs just do not live up to even the NCP standard. If you have EOW visitation, use it. If you are entitled to 2 weeks in summer. Use it. If you get EO Christmas or holiday...USE IT. I deal with a NCP that is entitled to EOW. She would rather forego regular EOW visits for a few hours here and there. So, when you have someone who just isn't cutting the mustard someone HAS to do the job. If you are a NCP and you are doing all that is required and then maybe even a little extra then no one can or should fault you.
Maybe I'm wrong but maybe sometimes the statements are geared more towards their own personal situation and not at NCPs in general even if it reads that way.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
I would assume that they get accused by the ex of not being a contributor. DH went through the very thing when BM was CP. Forget the fact that the CO said that he had EOW visitation from Friday to SUnday and we had them 3 weekends out of the month from Friday to Monday and still paid the $1k in CS plus any extras and were at every event that we were made aware of to show support. Funny thing is that many people would see us out and about with the kids so much they thought the kids lived with us but found it comical when BM would proclaim that DH was a deadbeat.
In your case BM can't speak ill about DHs parenting as she was not even willing or able to do the job herself...Her mom did. Sad!
Well as the saying goes....It takes all kind to make this world go round.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Wow, thats a whole lot of
Wow, thats a whole lot of words in response to a post that makes no sense to me. Could Danyelle or the Principlist send me the translation? You both seemed to make some sense of the Stick's post. All I came up with was... huh?
MSloan yea I GOT that too. I figured it was from the drinking and blogging why it could have left you scratching your head and wondering if YOU'D had a drink or two. I did get a lil dizzy, but I think because I've seen so many "Be the bigger person," "Take one for the home team" and other responses of that nature I just felt that was what she was getting at. There have been a lot of fighting and I agree it has gotten to be too much some days. But I think the blog itself pushed a lil button because to ME that is what is was insinating. If I am wrong, I sincerely apologize. I just saw it as another keep the peace blog when actually no one was bashing or fighting yesterday...at least not to my knowledge.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Did she have one too many margarita's and lose ya? You have to drink a little first, THEN read it! It will make perfect sense!
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
It gave me brain cramps...
Drinking and blogging are hard on our eyes and brains... I completely agree with the responses here, and I don't think this drunken attempt at a "Come to Jesus" meeting was nessesary. Perhaps it was just to 'stir the pot' yet again??
Maybe the OP can get back to us with an answer after they've slept if off...
Clarification! And More...
Yes, I was writing a little in circles yesterday, and I apologize for that. And to The Principalist - you hit it on the head... I have been reading a LOT of - not what I would say fighting, but what I would call - "my way or the highway" type of comments. And more support for the "don't deal with them, BioMom is crazy" support and encouragement for that type of thinking rather than the whole,... let's sit back and look at all sides of this. I'm not trying to be preachy and I'm not trying to take the easy way out and honestly, I think that sucking Biomom's shit up is not easy - compared with telling her to go F$%* herself and say get out of my house. But whenever I write anything like I did above... I get a lot of "Oh no you don't , or you don't know me" or things to that effect. I'm sorry I pushed your button The Principalist, but I wonder I guess why that pushes so many people's buttons. When I see people write some stuff that makes me wonder, I don't try to go in there and be like "YOU"RE WRONG"... but it is very easy obviously for others to say that to me and to people with my opinion. I think this site has gotten a little more negative and reinforces negative, and I'm hoping that it won't continue down that path. I personally figure it is much harder to take the abuse than not to.. But I also say To The Principalist that you did the right thing in your situation - because you TRIED the other way first. What I am worried about is people like the poster who asks... "Do any of you have contact with BioMom" and 90% of the comments were "No F'in way, or I don't let her in my house, etc.." to the point where someone indecided might think that is the right answer, since there are so many more of those comments than not. Does that make sense??? I'm not trying to say - TAKE THE CRAP... what I"m trying to say, is that WE are the ADULTS in these situations, unfortunately, even extending that to the Biomoms... Not only are we the ADULTS... we are the ones who CHOSE to live in the situation. Us and DH. SKids didn't get to pick the divorce or us in their lives... Biomoms surely should NOT have any say in our lives or DH picking us. So they are stuck with us. Just like marrying a man who's father is a Bigot or Racist and you have to deal with them in some form until they die or you are lucky enough to move away... as long as a DH has an ex and they both are involved in the kids life... we need to find ways to DEAL.
I guess
I see it a little differently. If you are new and read a blog that takes on that tone I believe that we are all rational and sane and intelligent enough to say Whoa that's a bit out there. Every response is not going to fit every situation. I think to be on this site one needs to be able to weed through the posts to find what may work for their given situation as we all know that one size does not fit all here.
My button was probably pushed because I'd read so many "be the bigger person," and "at what cost" mumbo jumbo yesterday. Everyone was proposing something to that affect. Sometimes it just isn't as simple as that. I have been bigger for far too long and it hasn't really improved my relationship with BM. She still goes back and poisons my skids against us. She still tries to create chaos in my home. At some point a person has to stand up for themselves. And if that means no more BM at the house. No communicating with the BM. No playing her games so be it. It may not be the answer, but all of the years of trying changed little in our relationship so me NOT acknowledging her actually did improve things. I can't be accused of being the trouble maker when I am no where in the picture. I can't be accused of saying something when the kids KNOW that I don't say two words to her. And yes that means not even a HELLO. Civility does not work. I've had that woman gesture as if she wanted to fight me at SDs National Junior Honor Society's Induction Ceremony in a cafeteria FULL of other SDs peers and parents. :shocked: So even being in public places do not deter her. So AVOIDANCE is my only answer.
Each person has to figure out what works for them. And if they can't find it then they need to pose the question to the masses if they are indeed seeking a solution. I just really want to believe that the members are capable of doing that much. After all they were able to find the site in the first place. No hard feelings each person has to just find their own fit in the Step world.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
At what point
does being the "bigger person" mean enabling bad behavior? I see many people wanting to advise that (in life in general not here) and in essence they are saying that BM is wrong but you have to put up with it. I think these psychos take advantage of that.
Yes, I believe I should speak and act with dignity and integrity but where does that preclude setting boundaries and refusing to be abused or bullied? In my experience, there is no advantage to glossing over bad behavior or apologizing first when you are not wrong, sucking up to a bully, etc.
I think that advice comes from people who are deathly afraid of confrontation themselves. I've thought about it a lot, I've been told the same thing at church when people act like jerks "forgive them" but don't confront them or address the problem!
YES! YES! YES I so agree 1000%
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
My DH was one of those 'take the high road' people. It made me absolutely crazy. He took the high road so much that he got totally taken advantage of. I got so tired of him falling all over himself apologizing or trying to 'be the nice guy' when it came to BM. I finally told him that turning the other cheek needed to stop since he'd already turned both sets more than once, and if it didn't the next set he'd see would be my ass cheeks as I walked away..... He finally started to stand up for himself, and his position greatly improved. Things aren't perfect, but they're better.
Honestly, if the BMs weren't
Honestly, if the BMs weren't horrible, then the person reading those "no communication with BM/don't let her in my house" type blogs wouldn't be here in the first place. If a SM hadn't already tried everything she could think of on her own, she probably wouldn't be desperately searching the internet for help, dontcha think?
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Thank YOU!!!
Exactly what happens here. Just not cool and no one needs the added stress of pretending when the kids KNOW what the real deal is.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Yes Danyelle! My skids would
Yes Danyelle!
My skids would rather their parents not be in the same place because they know their BM will start an argument with DH over - god who knows!
They witnessed many many years of DH & BM fighting and would rather not deal with it anymore. I think they are most thankful I am here (well maybe not THE most thankful for this reason) beacuse DH and BM do not communicate anymore. DH put a stop to it because he did not want to expose me to their arguments.
The only thing not open to interpretation are the FACTS of any
situation in a Blended Family world. Stick with the FACTS and there is very little that anyone can argue with or about.
Stick with the FACTS and the NCP can't argue effectively, the CP (if they are the blended family opposition that drives you nuts) can't argue effectively even the kids can't argue effectively.
The way most people deal with facts that they cannot tolerate is to circumvent the facts and deflect to some unrelated obscure offense that they have been offended about at some point in the past.
Keep everyone focused on the here and now issue and the facts will rule. Consider the facts from the perspective of what is in the best interests of the kids, note I did not say what the kids want, and the drama will be short, as sweet as possible and very transient. What the kids want is not the priority. What the kids need is the priority. Consistency, consequences and direction. As parents (step or bio) we are not the kids friends. We should be their confidant, mentor, advocate and disciplinarian. Not their friend.
As the child's confidant, mentor, advocate and disciplinarian it is our job to mitigate the adverse impact of any internal or external influence on the child and on the family dynamic. Even if that adverse influence is a parent.
The fact focused perspective has worked for us over the years pretty well.
Best regards,
Well said
Once again just proven why I love your insight. Plain and simple truth. The facts, Maam...Only the facts. LOL I probably said it wrong, but you know what I was getting at right. LOL. I ALWAYS quote movies and shows wrong. It's a GIFT that I have. LOL
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Personally, I don't need a
Personally, I don't need a "come to Jesus" about BM.
I know who she is, what she is and how she is.
I tried to be nice in the beginning and it wasn't worth what came out of it. Should everyone try to take the high road, I think so. Just because it didn't work in my situation, doesn't mean it can't in someone elses. All these BP's are different. Some are more nutty than others.
So when I say "I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire" I have a reason for it.
I would flag down the next fuel truck to come by and use that
to extinguish the flames if BioDad or SpermGrandMa were on fire. Then I would send their survivors the bill for the cremation fees.
(not the kids or course)
I despise these people and their ignorant behavior. I would not pee on them if they were on fire because I would not want to cool off the flames.
I would however piss on their graves. After the the funeral was over and the Kids were gone of course. Grave wizzing would be a very private and meaningful ritual for me alone.
Best regards,
LifesABeach - You are STILL more woman than I am. You are willing to withhold piss. My DNA is too good. Hell I am not willing to spit on her or her grave. Might make the grass all pretty and green.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P
Answer to Danyelle!
I have been with my now H for 7 years. Married him after being together for 5, so I've been the actual "step mom" for 2... but have had the responsibility pretty much since H and I got serious. When H and I got together, SD was 8, lived with her mom and DH had a few hours every Monday, Wednesday and every other weekend. Then, when SD turned 11, she asked if she could start staying with us half the time and we agreed (we lived together - oh my!!). BioMom was pulling all of the crazy stuff... saying she'd be right over and coming over HOURS later, asking DH for $$ and then more $$ just to support her lifestyle, while not caring that DH was putting himself into debt or bad credit. BioMom would look at SD and say dumb things to just tear down her self esteem. BioMom was and always will be all about herself and what is good for herself. SD was starting to withdraw and eventually became severely depressed and almost suicidal. Living with BioMom increased that. A year after DH and I got married, SD came to live with us full time and is now thriving. I have a LOT of reasons to really HATE that woman - the BioMom - from what she did to my H to what she has done and continues to do to a lovely, if misguided and a little emotionally insecure kid. I don't know. I do get super angry with her and have had my chance to take shots, which I do on occasion. I enforce the rules in our house and make sure that DH doesn't get taken advantage of, and also that SD doesn't fall prey to biomom's ignorance. I am not always "turning the other cheek". I guess I just see that despite what Biomom did to hurt us, SD ended up realizing for herself what is true and what isn't. I'm not sure if I had acted differently if that would have played out differently, so that's my experience and where I am coming from. I know that everyone's situation is not like mine and I am lucky. I sincerely am sorry for what I see some of you going through on here. I just want to be able to blog when what I did worked, without people thinking that I am ignorant or preachy when all I am trying to do is show a different perspective.
I hear ya
I myself am not a big fan of disengaging, but a lot of people here endorse it. I believe it CAN work in certain situations, for a short time period, just to help your spouse see how things would be without your help. But in general, I think its very bad for the marriage. So I see what you mean by different perspectives
"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"
Another answer to Danyelle...
BM and BM family went the other route of painting me as the bad guy (from Day 1) and her family set the "boundries" of not acknowledging or talking to me / my DH. Why should they? It's only her FATHER and his SO??!! It backfired on them. SD has come to me and said that she thinks that was "stupid" - her words not mine - of treating my DH and me that way. SD also has said that she doesn't like that kind of behavior and it bothers her. BM does not dictate what goes in on my home - far from it - I could write volumes about how my home is sooo soo much different than BM's!! But, if she comes to pick up SD, yes, I will invite her in and offer her a drink while she waits. Because I"m polite... because I'm trying to show SD how to be a gracious host. And when BM sits in a chair in a corner sulking and acting like I'm the bad guy and that she cannot wait to get away from DH and myself... SD sees who is trying to make the best of this situation and who is not. I don't THINK this has helped my family - I KNOW IT. From reactions of SD...to meetings with her counselors who have all told me... She is lucky to have me in her life. So, if you don't understand it, that's okay - it was the whole point of my post that I keep going back to... it worked... for me! And if someone out there is in a similar situation, maybe, just maybe it might help them.