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post wedding "bliss"?

sterlingsilver's picture

So I am just sorta reveling in our post wedding "bliss". It's gotten quiet around here after a month of graduation company and then wedding company, all of which I had to serve hand and foot - plus get my own wedding together and get married. Last month was probably one of the most stressful in my entire life - but also a very happy month. I am so happy to be married! All the kids seem happy we're married too - i think.

However, for the first time in 3 years ss15 made a comment to me a couple days ago that I reminded him of his terrible mother. I got back to work full time after several months of part time work and so I was telling the boys they have to pitch in around here and do chores and when I ask for them to be done I expect to come home to them being done. He said i reminded him of when his mother used to yell at him, but not quite as bad. It shocked me b/c he's never compared me to her before. I'm not sure if now he just thinks of me more as a mother figure now that his dad and I are married, or if maybe now that we're married I am more demanding and motherly. Or if it's all just the perfect storm of getting married, and working full time and being overwhelmed with household duties/pets.


sterlingsilver's picture

Thx dtsy, your comments made sense to me. Tonight I made a pot of spaghetti for 6 people. Well ss15 serves himself first and takes half the noodles. I said there is 6 people to eat from this supper and he throws the noodles all back in and then proceeds to take a teensy weensy amount and nothing else, then went up to his room and slammed the door. DH said to just let him be and he'll be down later and eat the leftovers. Sure enough while I am doing up dishes he appears and takes the leftovers which was about 2 large plates full, and half a loaf of garlic bread! Yes, just teens...