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not gonna happen... part 2

sterlingsilver's picture

I am so furious.........
Dh talked me into letting ss19 stay here for a few days until he and his preggers gf get into their apartment. Dh says 3 days but I know the process of getting the money together and all that is needed to set up a home. OMFG, I am NOOOOOOOTTTTTT happy at all and totally tempted to move into a hotel for a few days. I am so sick of DH talking me into things I claim for sure I am not going to let happen. (bleep, bleep, bleep) I KNOOOW it's going to turn into weeks. I just KNOW it and once they're here that's it, can't boot em out as easily. I cannot stand this at all. As it is my dh has cancer and last night spent the whole night wiping his vomit up and changing wet sheets from him sweating and doing laundry all of my day off. I am furious that ss19 is even asking b/c he knows his dad is down and always gives in when he is down. I swear I am going mad. If not already I will be in just a few weeks. Ship me off to the nut house...


sterlingsilver's picture

Well a few hours out and I am doing better. DH sent me multiple texts here at work asking me to be understanding and that helping his kid in a crisis would be enough of a C.mas gift for him - he literally is that kind of a person - which makes me setting firm bounderies feel like a selfish person - but if I don't set bounderies his kids will walk over him every chance they get. But he does have a granbaby on the way, even in this situation, it is his granbaby and flesh and blood and he wants to make sure his son and gf are in a safe place. I get all that, but still have this feeling of being run over every sigle time this kid is in trouble. This is the 3rd time he's moving in and we're baling him out of trouble.