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My stepson ALWAYS comes first with my husband...

steptoaaron's picture

I'm so tired of being second place. He's not a young child. He is 17! He was 13 when we married. My son had always been his and his brother's "pal," rather than parent. I had concerns that we'd have parenting issues. My husband assured me we wouldn't. Well...we did!!

I tried to do things for my son. I got him scheduled for first-choice classes in before they moved up from Texas in the summer. I (and my parents) included him in activities, etc. I drove him to summer school, talked with, and let him get settled in. But...when school started and we all went back to school (I have three boys of my own.), and the schedules, bed times, and other house rules had to go into effect...all you-know-what broke loose. Since then, it's been horrendous. I've had horrible stuff posted on myspace and facebook about me. He trash talks me to other kids and it gets back to me (I'm a teacher and kids who like me bring the great news.). He complained to his mother and her family and they threatened to get me fired or call CPS if didn't lay off their son. So, I'm not supposed to tell the kid anything? When he leaves in my house? He's not supposed to have the same expectations my kids have? So, I disciplined through my husband. My husband doesn't really discipline though. His son gets to "reason" his way out of everything!!! I could have then cared less if I watched anything he did or any recognition. I did for him, then I get crapped on, repeatedly! I began to resent my stepson and how he treated me in my own house! In fact, I could and can say I hate him. Not my finer moments, but I told my husband I didn't want him around.

The agony went on, and finally my husband moved him in with his older brother who's on his own. The kid's mouth still kept trashing me though! Plus, my husband plans "our" time around my stepson's events, etc. I'm sick of it! He told me he refused to go anywhere with me on my fall break because it meant he'd be out of town again ON his son's birthday. Like it can't be celebrated the day before? Two days after? Now, I just care about making my husband feel as bad as I did for two years. I know it's not right, but I'm so angry and so hurt. I can't wait for my stepson to go off to college next year! But, then my husband will probably be gone every weekend buddying around with him!

I just feel like we should come first. If we're not right, no one else is in the family.

Anybody care to share? This is SUCH a short version of the events!!



justwantpeace2's picture

I will never take 2nd place to a stepchild again! He won't go with you because of his son's birthday? WOW!!!! :jawdrop: :sick: Your dh is being a first class jerk! It's just a birthday for crying out loud! If it were me, my dh would be getting a SERIOUS cold shoulder!

lovelife's picture

I can agree with you on most things you wrote. My DH says I'm tough on SD15 because I make her follow "house-rules" which she never had prior to moving into my life 2 years ago. We also have issues over vacations. I never had kids, just pets, which I would load up and take on 3-4 day weekends - every chance I got! Now, I have to plan my vacation around her school schedule. So, on the next Spring Break, she will not be joining us but will go to her BMs. My entire life now revolves around a SD15 that I am also beginning to resent. Hate to say it...but I can't wait until HS graduation 2013! I just hope I can hang on that long!

lulucleo's picture

I now this is hard, and annoying. They can "reason" anything and DH believes it. They can apologize for whatever they've done and once the apology is said, whether or not its sincere, DH automatically forgives. DH has blinders on when it comes to SS but xray vision glasses when it comes to my BD. Hang in there. The wife should come first because one day the kids will grow and make lives of their own and you and your DH will be left alone so DH better open his eyes NOW.

life84's picture

Yeah my DH has blinders on when it comes to my SKs 14 and 12. I've had to tell him many times about his actions and double standards towards his and my children. What did your DH say about the things he's saying behind your back? At least he did acknowledge there's a problem and got him out of your safe haven. I know that won't take the bad taste left in your mouth away nor sway your feelings dislike but in my opinion DH is to blame for that. Kids do what they're allowed to do and if DH condones or ignores the behavior, he's just as much to blame if not more for not stopping it. I resent my oldest SS14 for this very same reason.