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Fake Step Kids.Hopefully this is easy.

StepsunkMom's picture

:)I ve been dating my bf of two years.He has a 9old son and a 10 year old daughter.I myself have a 7 year old son.Together we jst recently had a baby girl.6months ago.

The issue is that the childrens biological mother is crazy.She has not been there for the kids for almost ever.She is very selfish.She only cares about the kids if its helps her any.She recieves 400 bucks a month from my bf, which we well know goes to herself and not her children.Seeing as how they come to our home everyother week in cloths and shoes they wore 2 years ago.Money hungry is an understatement in describing this women.

When my bf and i fisrt met i had my son bio son with me everyother week.So to have time all kids and family together.Didnt work so well...Kids pretend to be nice.Then in the ext moment they r hitting my son or picking on him.After having our baby girl.They kids all became very jelious and very hatefull to eachother and the baby.Decided bio son live with dad and seperate kids till things cooled down.

Now thing have been quieter..but feel step kids are pretending to be nice to keep my attention off baby and bf.Step daughter is nice and friendly and does what is asked.As soon as her dad comes home from wrk...she is someone else.Always having something smart to say.Being rude and selfish.Anthing to get her dads attention even if it is negative.Feel tired of her fact attitude jst to get what she wants..then her brat attitude to be mean.

On the other hand now step son is playing a role..that he likes me.I also feel he is pretending jst to keep my attention. Hanging on me.These kids cant stand the sight of me in their dad having anything to do with eachother.Even if its jst talking.Any attention my bf gives to the baby they have to float in,and make it about them.When baby was first born..they wouldnt even let bf hold her.They would pretend and want to hold her jst so that he wasnt holding her.Or giving her any kind of attention in front of him.

My bf sometimes now sees how his kids cant be and how there bio mom is effecting them..but does not always c.Tired of feeling like the bad guy.Tired of arging with bf about the same kids.

I feel so un comfortable in this home.Evertime his kids come i feel moody and on guard.Please any advise.I feel so hopeless.Missing the relationship myself and bf once had.Dont want to FEEL HATE TOWARD STEP KIDS.Help Me.Please


StepsunkMom's picture

First off my son is a daddys boy.him and his dad are like peanut butter and jelly.hes uncomfortable in this home with t he skids.I moved in with my bf.Its his house.Its not like a dont see my son or spend time with him.And its not a permanent thing. The kids get together everyother week and attend church together.They even come to the house together and spend time with eachother.Jst because he isnt living there does not mean i choose my bf over my son.also my daughter is involved not jst gonna leave my bf because the kids dont get along.

StepsunkMom's picture

wow.I really didnt expect to be creticised on here.I love my son.And did not choose my bf over my last reply this is temp.. Im not gonna leave my bf over the kids not getting along.It normal for them to act this way..jst stressfull.i spend good time with my son.I c him everyother week.And am very open with him about this letting him knw he is loved.He is very close with his dad and loves being with him also./;

hbell0428's picture

I agree with WantNoSkids; you should stick with your own; never give up on them. Choosing other over your Bio is NEVER a good thing. My SD13 BM just did it; and you can see the anger, hurt and saddness in her. It is awful (unless the kids MAKE that choice by themselves). Unless it's done as a family; it shouldn't be done that way. Sorry - I really don't mean to come across rude; but I know how that feels.

StepsunkMom's picture

Its not even like that.My sons dad and i agree with the situation.he understands that my bf kids are hurting and need that time to heal.My son understand also...Its not as bad as u make it sound

hbell0428's picture

Then in the ext moment they r hitting my son or picking on him.After having our baby girl.They kids all became very jelious and very hatefull to eachother and the baby

Those are your words... I don't think I made it sound any way ~ and I am sorry you feel that way. I got the impression that it is sort of violent at times. I stated that "as long as it is agreed upon." (for the child to move to the other Bio Parent)

ALL kids are fake at times and VERY needy for attention; I have stated my case many times; and people give good/bad/needed/not needed replies - these are just opinions from different people. I am sorry if you don't see it that way.

I hope things get better for you!