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stepsonhatesme's Blog

O/T need advice on Best Friend in trouble....

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My best friend confided in me today that her H is verbally, mentally and emotionally abusing her. He wont let her go back to school, wont let her go anywhere unless its to work, or she has their daughter with her.
She told me that he has been making her sleep with his friend. I guess this said friend buys the baby diapers and this said "friend" and his wife are the godparents of the baby. (she said he will get mad if she tells him no)
She told me so much more that I just cant get it all into words.

I will NEVER again do something nice for my SS

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Today is SS (now 19) b-day. Yesterday, I left him a pm on his FB to let him know I was making him some "crunk"-aka Rice Crispy Treats.
They are his fave and I always make each kid their fav dessert on their b-day. I always have, its just something I do for them.
Anyway he came over and got them. I gave him his B-day card from ME. not me and Dh --just it said "stepson" on the front.

Update : on BS17

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Since the phone call from my granny last week it has been quite on the home front!
I'm in the kithen making dinner tonight and I see my pops (grandpa) pull up. I walk out to see what he needs.
He opens the trunk and starts pulling out all my BS clothes, bags, shoes and what not.
Apparently my granny has kicked him out! He has skipped work AGAIN, this is the 2cd time . He only has 3 chances before he is fired.
My pops didn't know anything. He was gone and when he showed up at home, granny told him to bring all the stuff here.

BS is driving me F^&@ing insane....bring on the alcohol

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My BS17, who has been in trouble with the law since last summer. and still is, b/c he keeps breaking his NA (no association). Well, I'd had enough and let him go live with my grandparents until things calmed down here. As things had gotten so bad my BP was sky rocketing!!

Karma ......who's driving the bus

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A little backround. My daughter and I were talking about our neighbors, who got into a huge fight and had 3 cops AND a sheriff at their house Thurs. We were talking about DV. Somehow MMM name came into it. My daughter told me that MMM is getting tired of her BF. As in she doesn't want to be with him anymore. Mind you, she moved out of her apt. and moved in with him and his mom. (who btw HATES MMM)!! I guess, according to my daughter, MMM is fed up with BF and is looking for a place of her own. LOL

O/T: question about inheritence....

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My DH and I were talking about when my gma and gpa pass on, that people will probably fight over stuff. I brought up their house. I have practically grown up in this house and it has always been the place that I have felt at home. This is the conversation
ME: What if my granny left me the house?
DH: I dont want it.
Me: Why?
DH: It isnt mine, as in there is nothing in there that would have my "signature" on it. Like nothing that I have done, it ill always be "their" house.
Me: But I LOVE that house.

MMM trying to start shit AGAIN

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Yesterday my DH went to Walmart, where MMM works at.
He was talking to his XBIL and MMM walks up and butts into the conversatation. Here is the exchange:
MMM: So where are you living now?
DH: same place weve been living for the last 4 1/2 years? WHY??
MMM: well I heard SSHM kicked you out.
DH: who told you that??
MMM: well, I cant tell you that
MMM: so if you 2 are still together where's your wedding ring?!
DH : pulls out his ring. (he isnt allowed to wear it at work, so he just wears it on a chain around his neck)
