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(Update to my blog from yesterday) BM told DF to "f off"

SteppingUp's picture

because he asked her why she didn't tell day care that SS2 was vomiting. I saw the text and it specifically said:

DF to BM: You should have let day care know that SS2 was sick. Poor kid felt bad because he threw up all over a bunch of toys.

BM to DF: Why the hell would he feel bad? And you can go f off!

This is where every conversation goes with her...she says something completely ridiculous like "Lick me unda" or "f your face". Yes DF was being critical of her and I understand her anger, but it is no reason to not just give an answer. For example, maybe her real reason was because SS2 didn't have a fever and had stopped throwing up by the time it was time for day care??? Who knows...

Also, DF asked her if she would keep SD5 for the night even though technically it was our night to have her (BUT keep in mind that SD5 is not even his kid, there is no stipulation that says we have to take her). BM says "WHY?" Ummmm...maybe because SD5's brother is throwing up and most likely contagious??? GRRRRRRRRRR!! So finally she agrees to take SD5. Later we look at her Facebook and saw that she just shipped SD5 off to Grandma's anyways so she didn't have to change her plans...oh well.

Anyways, we took care of the poor little guy and ended up taking him to a walk-in clinic because he had a high temp still at 5pm and wouldn't stop saying "Owie" and clutching his belly. Wasn't anything worse than a virus/bug so that is good.

The part that MOST amazes me about BM is that she never once called or texted to see how he was doing. The last text DF got was the "f off" one.


1day@atime's picture

Wow. I can't believe people that "conversate" like that have kids. It's a tragedy. My SS's BM has pulled something similar. Her other kid was sick and vomiting. She made my SS sleep in the bed with him (she lived in a one bedroom) and SS came back violently ill. We didn't even ask. We've tried asking logical questions in the past, and she has always lashed out with hostility . Trash like that does not like to be confronted with truth and logic. It's against the specie's nature to give in to common sense.

I can't say I think things will get better when you're dealing with someone like that. You're going to have to learn to play games in order to get anywhere. It sucks, but it's true.

myna's picture

I feel all these women are super frustrated and in their anger they don`t care who will get hurt just that they show their hate to the birth father. Their hate has eaten up their mind and they can`t see straight again. FH got a child from a one night stand and BM behaves exactly the same way. She tought in her age of 40 that FH will marry her just because she got pregnant and since she got only the kid now she basically doesn`t give a damn about anything else just trying to destroy us mentally and finantially and the "f*ck you" text became an every day thing. It`s they anger. She needs a good f^*k if you ask me, but who would love to be with such a bitch?