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The blame game: SS7 forgot to take meds

steppingsucks's picture

So SS7 forgot to take his meds in the morning, missed the bus, and had a terrible day at school. And who got blamed for this??? ME! Can you believe that?

Let me go back and say that I am now disengaging because my husband doesn't support me, and my SS7 is a terror in so many ways. I used to stand over him in the mornings to make sure he got ready, all along while getting called names and told to "go away". Now, when DH is working overnights, I tell SS7 to get up, take his meds, and take a shower. I say the same thing every single morning. Ever since I started doing this, he never missed the bus. So this one time he decides to not take his meds, and screw around all morning while I'm getting myself and my baby ready until he finally misses the bus. DH takes him to school, and never mentions meds. He then hears that SS7 had a bad day, and whalla, it's all MY fault. WTF?

I told DH that I refuse to be blamed for everything SS7 does or doesn't do. I also remind him that he never mentioned meds to his son on his way to school after missing the bus. And his answer? It's still MY fault.

And he wonders why I've disengaged. What bullshit!


steppingsucks's picture

Thanks ls1988; I appreciate your supportive words. And the crazy part is that I would never leave that responsibility up to a 7 year old in the first place. That's the choice DH and BM have made, regardless of my opinion on the matter. When my son took meds as a youngster, I always gave them to him myself to make sure he took them, and didn't take too many of them. But not SS7; apparently he's special.

steppingsucks's picture

Lazy is right; that's what I always used to say when I cared. "Lazy parenting" is why he is the way he is, and I don't get why they don't see that. How about some personal responsibility?

steppingsucks's picture

I agree. A friend of mine refers to me as his "live in babysitter", which is so true;)

steppingsucks's picture

Ain't it the truth. My husband said he wanted the same thing, but almost never backed anything up. Even now, he's finally apologized for blaming me for the meds, saying that it was wrong of him. But that won't stop him from doing it again with something else; he never learns.

I always remind DH that the definition of insanity is repeating the same expecting different results. Apparently my DH is insane }:)

secondplace's picture

This is the article I first read when I realized things didn't seem to be as they should be in our "step family".

After I read it, I realized I wasn't abnormal, mean or selfish.

steppingsucks's picture

Thanks for that link crayon. I read that several months ago as well when I first thought about disengaging, and it hits the nail on the head. I need to have DH read it, like it will make any difference.