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I was so excited to see this yesterday

Stepped in what momma's picture

Removed original blog because of chance of discovery.
Removed original blog because of chance of discovery.
Removed original blog because of chance of discovery.
Removed original blog because of chance of discovery.
Removed original blog because of chance of discovery.


princessmofo's picture

I am very proud to say my bios do chores. They make their beds everyday, feed the dog, take out the trash. And they earn an allowance for it. However, dh doesn't feel compelled to have ss do any chores here but constantly has his hand out for an allowance... Nope.

Cover1W's picture

Chore charts went no where in our house. DP has them doing a few things more and more, but jeez, they can stop playing for 5 minutes to set the dinner table... :?

Stepped in what momma's picture

Every time the skids at our house are told to do something they immediately have to poop and they take off for 30-45 minutes to the bathroom.