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SS driving me crazy

stepparent111's picture

My stepson is so lazy. I give him one chore to do per day. He can't do anything by hisself. I have to stand there and help him or do it with him. Today's chore is to simply weed a small area of grass. He keeps coming in the house every 5 minutes annoyingly complaining about the task and why he can't do it. It is so simple and he has done similar tasks b4. I can't do it. I locked him out of the house and he is over here pounding on the glass needing to get in because he needs water. he drank a whole glass b4 going outside. I can't think because he is not my child and is so helpless.


Acratopotes's picture

he's not lazy he's actually very manipulative and clever..

He tells you he can't do it, you show him how to do it... see you did it not him.... SS1 SM0

not only skids does this, bio's tries this as well, it's all children does, manipulate and see how they can push boundaries.

I caught on very quickly with my kid and I changed it a bit.... Kiddo you want to go to the movies... YES,
Fine we can go as soon as the lawn is mowed, I'm busy mopping the floors in the house, thus you will have to wait till I'm done with all the chores... guess what, I simply went back to mopping and I would hear the mower starting on the lawn.... I never asked him to do it, I never told him to do it, I simply said we could go to the movies/pool when all chores are done.

Adults have to be more clever... and if Deigma did not do a thing, but kept playing on his phone, I would make sure the chores are only all done after the movie started... sorry kiddo, you did not help me thus we could not go to the movies, and I'm way to tired to prepare dinner, there's some Ramin noodles and bread