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OOS health insurance

stepparent111's picture

My DH has a SD in another state and she is 18. Thought child support was over since she is 18 but just got letter that we have to pay health insurance for her. I am confused because she is in another state(OR) and DH declined his insurance because I provide health insurance for the family. My insurance would in no way cover her in another state. The child support letter says he has to get his works insurance and he works for a small company whose rates are outrageous for family health and I was wondering if anyone knows about how this works? I mean I would think that at that age she would be on her own or under her mothers coverage.


notasm3's picture

As an 18 year old adult wouldn't she qualify for Medicaid or some sort of ACA subsidy?

stepparent111's picture

How stupid. He is on Medicaid but they still made him pay for another insurance. That's a scam and a half.

MrsZipper's picture

If she is in college she might be able to get health insurance through her school, DH would just have to pay for it.

stepparent111's picture

It's really difficult because they have no communication whatsoever between the ex or his child. So this all has to be navigated through the state and the state sending the letters is one we used to live in, not sure why that is because we don't live there and neither does the child.