Okay, so this should be VERY interesting!!
So I wrote a blog a few days ago about how my SD12's other "parents" and happy just to let me do everything. And I'm not suprised in the least that her BM and her BM's boyfriend act that way, but it irritates me that my husband has that same attitude.
People have been telling me forever that I'm going to have to just step back and let my hubby deal with his own child. I've been afraid because I think being a 12 year old girl is hard enough and I didn't want to let her down. But she hasn't been listening to anything I say lately anyway, and it's just been exhausing! So this weekend, I finally told my DH that he is going to have to start parenting his own child because I was finished. I'll still make her school lunches, pick her up from school, buy her school supplies and clothes, and feed her - but as far as making sure she does her homework and her chores, well that will be completely up to him now.
I could tell he was irritated, but what could he say? This child is his, not mine. I agreed to help him raise her, not do it all for him, and it's really my own fault that I've let it go this far.
Anyways, so he came up with this elaborate "point system" that he thinks will get her to do what she's supposed to do. I know it won't work because he doesn't pay enough attention to what she's doing, but I just told him it sounded good. I reminded him that I won't be having anything to do with this system and that he'll have to keep up with it all on his own. But he thinks it will work.
It will be interesting to watch him try to get her to pay attention to this and actually try to earn points. The only way she does anything is if you stand over her and watch her do it. He thinks that by telling her she can earn points for fun stuff that she'll automatically be motivated to do what she needs to do. What a joke!! It's like I see a completely different kid than he does!
I imagine he will still spend the evenings in his office on his computer. So he'll have no idea what she is doing. Usually it's him in his office, and then me in the kitchen and living room trying to get SD to do what she needs to do. So now he'll be in his office and I'll be in the living room relaxing on the couch after a long day at work. And SD can do whatever she wants!
I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I do feel a bit guilty, but I have to do this for myself. I am NOT her mother, and she reminds me of that every chance she gets by how she treats me and how she ignores what I tell her. When I married a man with a 3-year old, I did agree to help out with raising her, and that's what I will still do. He needs to raise her, and I need to support him. Instead of me raising her, and him being happy to let me do it.
I think my SD will be thrilled to hear of this change, because she can so easily manipulate her father. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show!!!!!!
- stepmomof12002's blog
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At the age of 12 that is when
At the age of 12 that is when my SD really started to aggravate me. Not doing what she was told. If she did do it she would do a half assed job and bitch and moan when told to do it again. She has outgrown that attitude but now we are dealing with other teenage bs......
Good luck in your new journey of disengagement!
Thank you!! Doing everything
Thank you!!

Doing everything half assed and bitching and moaning sounds like you are describing her exactly!!
It wasn't an easy decision, because we've had such a close relationship in the past. It was me who told her all about the birds and the bees, not her BM. And I'm the one who talks to her about drugs and all that stuff. BM just wants to be her "friend". I do fear what will become of her in the future, but also I realize that it's not my responsiblity. I'm the one who should be her "friend"...
Look at it this way: you are
Look at it this way: you are teaching her a valuable life lesson - when you shit on people they pull away from you. Maybe, just maybe, she'll get it and adjust her attitude. And maybe someday if someone (e.g. a guy) shits on her she'll have the courage to pull away. She has to learn that lesson from someone eventually and it's better done while she's young. Hopefully, thinking of it in this way will make you feel better.
Personally, I'd make her pack her own lunches and I'd make DH responsible for her dinner too.