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Jealous stepmom

stepmom5's picture

I have a 5yr old boy as a stepson and his mom has always had problems with me she doesn't like and I have no clue why, She has recently started calling my house asking to talk to her son and I know she just wants to talk to my fiancee am I being paranoid? or jealous? for no reason I know when her boyfriend is around she doesn't bother to call. I know later on when she breaks up with her bf she will take it on me and my fiancee what do I do should I not answer the phone when she calls? I already told my fiancee I don't want her to call here but he tells me I have nothing to worry about. Deep inside me I know he loves me but I don't know about her if she does it to make me mad what do I do?


Jbee27's picture

Get a prepaid cellphone just for when she calls. Give her that number and change your home phone number.
that way, when the minutes run out or if the battery dies, she can't bother you.

Constantly_guilty's picture

Or set up a specific time each day that she can call your house to speak to her son. That way when she calls you know it's her and you can let SS answer the phone.

soverysad's picture

In our case the judge insisted that it was important for the children to have a relationship with the noncustodial parent while in the care of the custodial parent, so if she pushed the issue, she'd probably get phone privileges. That being said, Wingnut is allowed to call to speak to SD each day before 6:30pm. If she calls and we don't pick up, we have 5 hours to return her call or she can call again. Set up a specific time OR dial her number for SS5 each day at a specific time and let him talk to her for a few minutes then she has no reason to call your house. SD5 knows Wingnut's number and calls her once a day as she feels like it. And on the occasion Wingnut calls here when SD is here, we assume she wants to speak to SD and hand her the phone without saying anything to Wingnut. If she uses that call to say "I need to talk to daddy" Dh tells her that he is busy and that "mommy will have to call back and leave a message" That way he can decide if he needs to speak with her or not. 99% of the time there is no need for an actual conversation.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Nymh's picture

when she calls, YOU don't answer the phone. Have your fiancé or the kids answer it. She can leave a message if you are the only one home and the call can be returned later. There is no reason for you to answer her calls.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

stepmom2one's picture

yes when she calls have SS answer the phone. If she is calling to talk to him then she has him.

If she has a request or issue she can talk to H. But at least if she is full of it DH will realize it faster.