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Proud Moment

stepmom31's picture


My stepkids are sitting reading books. Voluntarily! :jawdrop:

I feel so proud. I made them read books I assigned earlier today, as some preparation for school starting on Mon. DH was at work. But voluntarily??? On a Fri night??? Choosing the books off the shelf?? WOW!

It does help though that baby is asleep in the room they all share (so no Wii or Xbox or Videos available for entertainment), and DH is using the family computer (which is kinda like our TV) to watch basketball.

And too, then DH went to the shelf and said he should start reading more too!!!!

Sorry for this gloating moment, but I really do feel sooo proud of myself! Smile


Last-Wife's picture

SMILE One of my favorite pictures my husband ever took of me and my skids was when we were all on the bed reading different Harry Potter books! I had just bought book 6. PITA was finishing book 5 so he could read 6 when I was done, and since we were reading, Princess and lazy Boye had picked up copies of book 1 since they wanted to be in on it!