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If you don't laugh, you will cry - Kids & Lying

stepmom31's picture

The kids are with us for a week of winter break.

SD11 got a sore throat and seemed to be coming down with something, so DH and I have been pumping her with Vit C and hot soup and she's been feeling better. She said it to me and I can see it because she is back to her normal self 100%. Vit C works wonders BTW.

Anyway, apparently she had called her mom and told her about feeling sick. Not a problem at all. So her mom calls everyday to check on her. I'm home with the kids while DH is at work.

Yesterday, BM calls and as soon as SD11 gets on the phone, she makes a minutes worth of fake cough. She has not been coughing AT ALL! It didn't get to that point, we nipped it in the bud from the sign of sore throat!

She comes off the phone and happily announces to me that her mum says she has strep throat, because her cousins have it and I stopped her mid-sentence to call her on the fake cough, telling her there was absolutely no need for that.

She promptly takes the phone again and runs upstairs with it to call her mum again, no doubt. I guess her mum didn't pick up, but she did call back a few minutes later, just as DH was walking in the door. So she got the opportunity to tell him her diagnosis and demand he take her to a doctor and get antibiotics. So now DH has to deal with her too, because of course he cannot possibly be taking care of his kids while they are with him!

I apologized to DH for the additional stress because I think if I hadn't told SD11 anything, BM may not have called, but then again, now that I think about it, she would have eventually. And DH was actually cool with what I did, and he himself called SD11 on her lying and gave her a small talk about being more honest. No punishment, no consequences though.

I expect that SD11 will continue to and get better at playing both sides. I'm just hoping DH and I continue to stick together on seeing through the bull-shit.


bioandstep2009's picture

Yep, some stepkids know how to ham it up to get attention from their parents. My SS9 is a hypochondriac in training, after all, he's learned from the biggest one of them all, BM. He so desperately craves her attention that whenever he's the slightest bit unwell, he has to call her so that she can say, "ooo, poor baby" but then talk about how sick SHE is. What-ever.

soverysad's picture


LindaL's picture

Hi CC!!
Skids always have a headache apparently, if they are bored, tired, if they don't like what I made for dinner, if they don't want to go out...and I can go forever....but they don't call BM because she always changes the subject and asks them to tell DH to send her money LOL...I guess even the skids are annoyed by her asking for money all the time.

soverysad's picture

SD was too sick to go to school exactly one time. She found out that day that when you're sick, you may rest in your room OR you may read quietly on the couch. No running around like a wild animal and no tv.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

soverysad's picture

lol. If it were up to me.....DH thinks we should encourage her love for reading. I limit the number of books and she bores easily!

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Sara_Smile22's picture

This continues forever and is just another facet of the manipulation/guilt triangle. SD 17's latest sick out was a deliberately induced 'pink eye'. It went great for her, something like this:

1. Dad makes annual eye exam appointment (it's check up time)
2. As soon as SD finds out about it, she starts rubbing her eye and complaining it hurts...constant whining.
3. She goes to work and gets 'diagnosed' by the other ice cream scoopers with pink eye (I am an RN BTW)
4. Ice cream scooper friend goes and gets 'pink eye remedy' from drug store
5. SD gets sent home from work with 'pink eye'
6. DH asks me to look at it....yup it's pink...mine would be too if I rubbed on it all day and night
7. BM calls DH "So...does SD have pink eye? You POS, you are so PW by your hoe wife you can't even pay attention to your poor daughter that is sick with pink eye?????"
8. I tell SD, you do not have pink eye that needs a Dr. Don't put said pink eye stuff in eye, it contains a poison called Bella Donna which is why your ice cream scooper friend had to go buy it.
9. We keep eye appointment as scheduled. No pink eye.

What did we get? A week of grief...why? SD saw a good opportunity to get some pity and get BM riled up and get off work for her.