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Hypochondriac BM

stepmom23WV's picture

As I have put in my other posts, BM and her mother are both hypochondriacs and keep trying to convince the skids that they have some terrible disease. Most recently that SS6 has type 1 diabetes. She has had them to multiple specialists who have found nothing to suggest this is true but she just keeps taking him back. She takes his sugar up to 10-15 times a day. Since she keeps telling the doctors that she is getting all of these off the wall sugar readings and won't give up, they have told her to just make sure he has this special diet that they gave us to see if that will take care of the "problem". When we had them for three weeks during the summer we didn't have a problem with his suger once. Of course we did feed him a balanced diet (not just ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese and hotdogs like she does). Then he goes back to BMs and she says he is having sugar problems again. He is terrified that he is going to do something that will make his sugar bad (we took him to the beach and our rental had a hot tub he told us he couldn't get in because his grandma told him you can't get in a hot tub if you have diabetes, he askes if something will be bad for his sugar before he will eat it). This would be a good thing IF HE ACTUALLY HAD DIABETES but since he doesn't it is just worring a 6 year-old for no reason. We took him to a pediatrician while we had them for summer visitation and she told us that it if BM was getting crazy sugar readings it was probably because he wasn't eating properly and told us that she wouldn't even recommend taking his sugar because it is very common when children go through growth spurts for your sugar to take a little while to adjust to the changes in your body. Well when BM found out that we took him to a pediatrician she was furious. Told my DH that she was sopposed to be present at all doctors appointments. When skids are sick on BMs time DH just askes that if she has to take them to the doctor that she or the kids let him know afterward what the doctor said. We think she is just saying this so that we can not say anything that contradicts all of the lies she is telling these doctors. My first question is if it is not set in the CO that she has to be at all doctors appointments does she have to go if they are on our time? I mean for like a check up, stuffy nose, something we have a concern about that she won't address with the doctor when she takes them. If it were a emergency or something serious by all means she should be there. Second question is does anyone else think that the diabetes thing could be used in court as some sort of mental abuse? My third question is if we don't take the kids to the doctor for every sniffle and a temp of 99.0 degrees can she use that against us? We don't take BD 16 months to the doctor unless it is an ongoing thing or if her temp is above 101 or so. If BM feels the need to take them on her time every time they sneeze thats her perogative but should we have to do the same?


stepmom23WV's picture

yep...and that is just the latest...I feel that this could be used as some sort of mental/emotional abuse in court but I'm not sure. She is quite a headcase. I just don't know how to deal with all this...I am a new mom and a new step-mom. All this baby mama drama has my nerves shot.

stepmom23WV's picture

I don't think so. I think its more of an attention thing so people will feel sorry for her because she has it sooooo rough. We do have the report from the doctor but now she is saying that we took him to the doctor without letting her know and she is going to use that in court. We did call her after the appointment and tell her everything the doctor said like she does for DH when she takes them so I don't see the problem. She also said she is not going to let us take him back to that pediatrician because of all "the things we told them" and "she is embarrassed". Well if you weren't lying it probably wouldn't be so embarrassing.

B22S22's picture

Just my own opinion..... but even diabetics (TRUE diabetics) don't typically test their blood sugar 10-15 times a day. That HURTS! And bruised fingers on a diabetic never seem to heal, they're always bruised feeling (my first DH was insulin-dependent diabetic to to the meds he was on).

If all the MD's are saying there is NOTHING wrong with the kid, then I would think it's at least emotionally damaging. And WTF -- can't get into a hot tub with diabetes? Now we're talking old wives' tales.

I think someone else hit the nail on the head in one of your prior posts....

Munchausen's By Proxy

Mom2's picture

My DH is Type 1 Diabetic and uses the pump to regulate his insulin intake. He tests 10-15 times a day to make sure that his pump stays accurate. When he tests it send the results to his pump (if correction needed) it will ask him to correct it. The only issues he has with hot tubs are diabetic neuropathy (damaged nerve endings) that he cannot feel if it is to hot (causing burns), passing out due to low blood sugar (he never goes alone) and making sure that the infusion site (put it in his arm) and tubing do not have contact with the water (causing the insulin to heat up). Other than that he has no prob.

A person with (just) diabetes cannot get disability.

stepmom23WV's picture

Well you see that is the thing every specialist she has had him to has said there is NOTHING wrong. So he does not have diabetes. She just wants everyone (including SS6) to think he does.