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V i-i-i-ic TORYeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

stepmasochist's picture

I recently posted a blog (which I have since deleted because of all the detailed info in it) with a letter of complaint I submitted to the AG's office.

DH got a court order in May zeroing out his CS balance because he's had custody of the kids for two years with no CS from BM. It was a sizable sum. This debt had held us in financial limbo and was keeping us from filing our last three tax returns so the money wouldn't go to BM.

We waited 10 weeks for them to process the information with no results. Most unfair because when BM went to the AG to get CS they began garnishing DH's wages within a week.

Well, I just found out from our attorney's office that between I, DH and most importantly the wonderful woman, god bless her that works for our attorney and the letter she wrote - it is now official. The debt is off the state books!!! Our attorney's office just put the documents in the mail to us!

It is such a relief. Now we can make some much needed repairs to our house. We need a new roof and I've got a frikkin' hole in my kitchen floor. We can pay down some debt with our refund money. I'm so relieved. Especially after yesterday when we received an "order of witholding" saying DH still owed $11,000. We were both so spitting mad. All night we just wanted to kill! I told DH to call the case worker and get an exact accounting of how they came up with that so we could begin to pick it apart and fight it and when he called she told him to disregard that notice. It's zeroed out now. Woohoo!!

The hold up was - BM has been fraudulently receiving government aid claiming kids that she only has EOW. Because of that, the state was hesitant not to try and stick DH with what she's been given. But it's proven, he's had the kids for the last 2 years. He paid CS up until the day he got full custody. It was total BS and now I'm wondering what's going to happen to the lying, thieving whore that is BM. She better not get off scott free for this shit. Muwahahahahah }:)

At the very least, I don't think she'll be having the money to fight for custody anytime soon. When we settled on the CS - her lawyer made us make the cashier's check out to him. I bet she owed him big time and saw little if anything of that check. That thought was the only thing I could hold on to hand that money over. DH was sick about it. He told me last week, "I think if they started giving anymore of my money to her I'll just cry." This woman got so much CS from him and blew through it like a junkie. Barely kept the kids fed. I mean, she literally was a junkie.

I'm so happy I could about pee my pants. We won and years of bullshit is over. YAY!!!!

I think the only thing that could be better than this day is the day she's ordered to pay us CS!!!


stepmasochist's picture

I think the fraud is going to come to light. The state has all of the documentation. They know she's been getting the money while DH has had custody and now that they can't make DH pay for it, I think it's very likely they'll go after her. Oh please, please, let them go after her. I want her to pay. I so very much want her to pay. It's just not right. We've paid her through the nose. Then she stops getting CS so she LIES to the state, not once but every 6 months for the last over two years. This woman has been getting $500 a month foodstamps and who knows what else to feed kids she sees EOW. She's ballooned up to the size of a house. She's eating $500 a month HERSELF. We're over here feeding the kids beans and rice, rice and beans and she's living high on the hog. I simply refuse to believe (right this second at least) that she will not be held accountable - somehow, someway.