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Do you ever work work work and have no money left after bills are paid?

stepmama2one's picture

I swear this country is getting so expensive to live in! My husband and I work so hard, pretty much live without anything unnecessary and still can't even afford our bills. I hate it that BM pretty much sits on her ass all day and gets welfare, yet doesn't pay any of her child support she is suppose to pay for SD. Must be nice to stop whatever your doing and start doing whatever the hell you want. Whatever! I mean we pay our bills but everything is so high that our bills are more then we even make together a month. We can't get a break for nothing. Just last month, it was a pretty nice month, so we didn't use much air and we're never even home and our electric bill was still almost $400. It's just getting out of control. I don't understand. The only thing we have that isn't considered a necessity these days is a cellphone but with kids you kind of do need one. I'm about to throw in the towel.


stepmama2one's picture

I use a clothesline also. I don't have a dishwasher, I hand wash all the dishes. I already have everything unplugged until we use it. Already have water heater, and fridge set to the minimum. Water pipes are already insulated.

newbiemommy's picture

I went from a student getting food stamps and Medicaid and by bettering myself I never have money, Can't afford my bills, insurance sucks. Ugh. I feel like you get penalized for working hard. I would love to sit on my fat ass and get everything handed to me (BM).

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

What are you using that's causing your electric bill to be so high? The only thing that is constantly on in our house is the fridge. My electric bill is about 90 a month, three people in the house.

Our oil bill can get up there though--3600 averaged a year (getting it delivered 4 times) which is about 300 a month.

stepmama2one's picture

Everything in my house is electric. On top of that our central heat and air is an air pump which means it uses a lot more energy then a regular central heat and air. We moved into this house after my husband's mother died so that's the heating and cooling unit that came with this house.

LittlePanda's picture

Yep. This is my life. Both of us work our butts off and have basically nothing to show for it. I mean, we have a home (rented) and have SLOWLY acquired nice things. We spend a lot of time together as a family and are very frugal in every way. We are very happy, but sometimes it's scary because we have NOTHING for the future, not for us, not for our children. Hopefully that will change soon. Both of us are going back to school next year, so that will take a toll, but, eventually make things better....?

As for BM..she makes mistake after mistake(long term jail, drugs.) Does what ever the hell she wants. Lives with her mom. Doesn't pay her child support. The list goes on and on. She would STILL win a custody battle if it ever went back to court.

It must be nice to have every thing handed to you, BM!

Ultimately I would like to be a stay home mom with my babies, but as of right now, we simply cant.