StepLady's Blog
small update again
wont post will try in comments i guess and see if that will work out for me this time, dont know why that happens sometimes
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Things I feel about BM......
BM has let herself go! Must be a about four hundred lbs, I have no care how she looks but it is no good example for the sks! They are both heavy now too! She is too lazy to cook and she wastes her money on fast food instead of groceries. She gets way more than most in CS but applied for foodstamps and other aid and was pissed off she was turned down. She only works part time, so if you are broke and can not pay for food get more hours! In her field she can get more hours easily! Her husband should be working instead he sits at home playing video games and watching tv.
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the little steps and the big BM advice please!
My two younger steps, where to start? DH does the parenting with them, I know my place! But we do want to them to eventually live with us, so I do try to bond and correct what I see when he is not around but I do not discipline, ie (we love each other so we share, type of thing as stuff comes up) anything more I prefer DH to handle. In any case they are mostly well behaved in our home as it has been a few years and they have learned what is expected. My daughter is not perfect and I do not expect any other child to be perfect.
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new and in need of advice
Hi I am new to this site and really found it at the time when I need help the most.....I guess I have so many questions and I am kind of all over the place with them so I will just dive right in! Thanks! I am the bio mom of a very sweet and loving little girl, her dad and I are divorced, he lives very far away and pays his support we skype and email and we do visit sometimes, we are decent friends. My husband was divorced twice before we married he has two sons with Wife1 and then has a boy and girl with Wife2.
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