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stepemma's Blog

SO family has no boundaries

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My SO's BM is someone he had a one night stand with, never in a relationship. My SS is 4.5 and SO and I have been together 3.5 years. SO's family has a completely inappropriate relationship with BM in my opinion. She is invited to my MIL birthday parties (even when they are no kid events), my MIL drives to their house 45 minutes away and goes and visits BM and SS....I constantly have to hear about how "amazing" BM is from his family and BM is in constant contact with all of SO's family.


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I'm at a place where I am emotionally and mentally drained, to the point where I feel absolutely defeated after we have SS (4Y) over for the weekend. I have 2 biological daughters of my own (23M and 1M) so we are already going through a transition period of welcoming a new baby into our family, but my SS is an absolute brat. His behaviour is ridiculous and my older daughter is now starting to mimic it. He's only 4 and already trying to emotionally manipulate those around him; using "alone time" as an excuse not to do as he's told, or to be mean to his sister.