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I was dumb for thinking we could fix us!

step-mommy dearest's picture

Ok so a few nights ago i posted how i simply made a comment about girls randomly texting and callin EX-SO... and he jumped down my throat sayin that just bc he talks to a girl dont mean they are fucking!

WELL! today i see him and a girl in his car... (he just had me come see him at work today for us to talk, it ended with a hug and then he text me and said Im glad i got to see you!) about 2 hrs after seeing him at his work, im leaving the grocery store with my roommate and pull out behind EX-SO! my roomie says "who is with him" i said no one. she said i swear i say a head.. well about that time we go around a curve and i see HAIR! It really made me mad!
so then he starts acting like a dick when i call him out on it! he said we aint together and it dont matter!
I said now it dont! im done!

later tonight i find out who this girl is... she is 18!! JUST turned 18 in AUGUST!!! he will be 30 in NOV!!
i know im only 20.. but there is a big maturity difference in 18 & 20!!
I told him to have fun and good luck!
he said what does that mean? i said youll see!
he kept asking what i meant and finally was like TELL ME! I said nah im good! you made this bed... now go have fun with her in it!

then i find out that bitch was with him saturday night when he was telling me that im just jealous of the world and everyone is my enemy.... well HELLO! he gives me a reason to feel that way!
While he is trying to tell me im crazy for thinking that something is going on he is drinking and back roading with this girl!

BM found out and called me tonight and was like did you know EX was with an 18 yr old. I said yeah! she said y didnt you call me!? I said really its none of my biz anymore... she said well SD4 didnt go with him last weekend bc you wasnt with him. i said thats sad! she said SD wants to see me and I agreed to meet them this weekend. BM was telling me there is no way in hell an 18 yr old who has plans on being a "playmate" for halloween is gonna be around her little girl!

I got in too far over my head with it at 20... how does he expect an 18 yr old to survive? esp since this girl is known for partying all the time! we live in a town of less then 2,000 ppl! you kinda know everyone! and everytime i see her, she has her boobs bout to flop out and is either drinking, has been, or is on her way to be!

Good luck to his dumb ass!


PoisonApples's picture

Evict this jerk from your life.

He never grew up. He's trying to be a carefree kid by having young girlfriends. He's a POS and it isn't likely he'll ever 'get better'

The next will might be only 16.

Whoever he is with he'll dump them when they get 'too old' for him, which apparently is the ripe old age of 20.

LizzieA's picture

Count your blessing you are out of it. And remember--your gut was right despite his lame attempts to blame you for being jealous! So typical. You will go on and meet someone who adores you.

Pantera's picture

Thank goodness you are figuring this out so early. My advice, drop the loser for good and never date a guy with kids again. You deserve better.

VAStepMom's picture

Be very careful. If you are exiting this relationship, do not allow BM to use you against her EX.

caregiver1127's picture

I thought you were out of this mess - and yes it is a huge mess - don't talk him, BM or the other girl. Move on and let yourself heal so that you meet someone else - maybe someone like the nice guy who let you borrow his cell phone to call your manager to get a key to let you back into the motel. I know it is a small town and you will keep bumping into him and her but you really need to get this crap out of your life. You are 20 enjoy yourself and don't get tied down by this mess.

step-mommy dearest's picture

Thanks! and btw... THANKS for bringing up the cute cowboy from CA! Smile too bad he is from CA and lets just say (without giving away my location) that is a LONG LONG ways from here! But he did tell me ill be seeing more of him... he is driving cattle cross country... he said he cant wait to drive back thru my area! Smile

SO embarrassing! but a wonderful way to meet him! Smile

and thank you! In fact... I have a date this weekend!
Ill let you know how it goes!