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Know it all ss

Step mad's picture

Smile Just want to say, I know I'm going on and on about ss, it has been 7 years of bottling up stuff, getting upset at my wife if she diapproves of my "two cents". But it is helping to let you all in my home, if you will, I really love this site, I will have plenty to blog about real soon, because my ss is 13, and you know how that goes,


crystalyzed's picture

Hey that is what we are all here for that's what we all do and all NEED to do this site makes me feel so much better. Keep blogging it's good to get it ALL out:)

PrincessFiona's picture

I've been reading your posts and I feel for you. I also have young teens in the house, I have a BD12, BS14 and then SD13. These next few years are likely to be quite a test for my patience !

I can say that the attitude that seems to grate on your last nerve is typical of this age group - THEY KNOW EVERYTHING !

And I agree that it's good therapy to vent to people who understand !