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Know it all stepson

Step mad's picture

My stepson, knows it all at 13, if you think your stepson does, you are wrong(lol), went to a movie last night, he has never seen, about the fighting robots, and as the movie plot unfolded, he what tell his mother see I told you that would happen, his mother after I thought you did not see this movie, he said I didn't, I just knew that would happen, . that's what we deal with everyday, and my wife include him on every,thing, from talking about bills, and the car when my wife and I are having an adult conversation, if we tell him nevermind he gets very upset, we could be talking about our insurance plan, he wants to know


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh boy, adult spousal status, that's always fun! I'm going to take a stab here.... until you came along it was just your wife and SS for many years. Bio Dad is not invovled much if not at all. Wife made SS her best friend, rather than her son and now the older he gets, the worse it gets.

Sorry you are dealing with this. What gets me is why a kid would WANT to know about insurance, bills etc. I had a million better things to think about and do when I was that age than worry about adult crap.

ThatGirl's picture

Sounds just like my SS14. Not only does he know it all, but he will argue everything. And yes, he must listen in and give his two cents on every conversation, and gets very offended when told it doesn't concern him.

Step mad's picture

Thank you thatgirl, , I thought it was just us, omg, and road trips, dont get me started, I am going to blog every couple of days , because it looks like this will help me Blum 3

ThatGirl's picture

Road trips? Oh, hell no! We were planning a road trip at the end of the month. I was very excited about it, because I was under the impression it would just be the two of us. During all of our planning, discussions of should we drive versus flying, where we will stay, what we will do, he never once said SS14 would come with. At the last minute he mentions getting three tickets for the hockey game we wanted to see while there. I said, "Three?" My heart sank when I realized he was planning on bringing SS14 all along, yet had neglected to ever tell me. Needless to say, we've cancelled our trip. No way I want to spend three days in a car with that kid. If he had told me he was coming, I'd have wanted to fly and would have scheduled a much shorter trip.

Step mad's picture

I would have snapped if my wife would have pulled that, im the type that has to know in advance, we went on a 5 day trip , to Phenix, the three of us, ss was 11 ish, it took us about 20 to 25 minutes ,just to leave the driveway, because brat boy , wanted a movie loaded on my wifes laptop, to watch on the way, the movie would not load, so wife had to re-boot, reload, finnaly got movie to load, than he changes his mind, wants another movie, mind you we are still in driveway. She tells him than load another , thank god it loaded no prob, we finally start rolling, he decides the earbuds bug his ear, wants speakers on computer , but wants our music low so he can hear, all the guns and explosions AGHHHH!!!!!. Wife gets pissed, tells him, use buds, period! He says "you dont have to yell mom", we get to Phenix, her brothers birthday, pool party, I am not there 10 minutes, her brother asks me if I want a beer and a shot, I say HELL YA!!!!!!!!! :sick: