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Why do I want to barf?

step off already's picture

Oh, I know. Because I saw a pic of ss13 and bm on the iPod I gave him for Christmas. I also saw her shady way to FaceTime with him.

Yes, I said the iPod "I" gave him because it was my idea, I purchased it and paid for it.

I knew it might ultimately be used by SS to communicate with his crappy excuse for a mom and I told myself ( in a very grown up voice) that I was fine with that.

But I'm not.

I am taking SS and dd's I-devices with me to the office tomorrow to install the parental controls. (SS has already been all over the porn sites on his new device but that's another story).

I need to control myself from blocking bm from contacting him on his device. (or do I?)

I also need to find out how to un-delete the two pics of SS and bm that he snapped with her when we let him take the device with him to bM's during his visit. ( I knew there was more than one reason I didn't want him taking it over there)

I'm horrible. I know.

Still, I want to barf.


kathc's picture

Oh, if she's letting him use it unrestricted it's only a matter of time until he gets it so full of viruses and junk she can't use it. Then you can sit back with a glass of wine and laugh. }:)

step off already's picture

All the kids were too up front that they were only to access "appropriate" content and that we reserve the right to monitor. They had a few days of a grave period during the vacation and SS has already blown it. No wonder he's been I'm his room with the door shut so often these past few days.