Valentine's Day Love
I woke up yesterday morning to flowers and candy and a card and even another card in my car. DH said he was going to take me out to dinner last night too.
At dinner he apologized for his actions the last few nights and said he's been tired and short tempered from working long hours. He even told me that SS13 was going to talk to me over the weekend about everything and I've noticed that SS seems to have been going out of his way the last few days to be respectful and friendly to me.
The best part: Valentine's day morning I asked SS13 if his dad had given him the card that his BM sent in the mail. He said no, so I flipped through the pile of mail and handed it to him. It was from "mommy" and was covered in stickers and "I Love You"s. He didnt' open it and just left it on the kitchen table. Last night before we went out to dinner, DH pushed it over to him again. This morning, it was still sitting on the table, unopened.
BM thinks she is the best mom in the world because she sends him cards on holidays. She even accuses us of keeping mail from him if he doesn't receive it a day after she sends it. She's even resorted to sending mail to DH's mom's house "to make sure he gets it". She says she just throws things from her in the trash. LOL.
- step off already's blog
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Thats quite telling that SS
Thats quite telling that SS doesnt even want to open it!! Poor kiddo!! Well, all you can do is hand it to him & now its up to him if & when he decides to open it.
Glad you had a great Valentines Day!!! I had a pretty good one too!!! :). Yay! Glad some of us had a good time, but I wish we all did !
I agree that it's quite
I agree that it's quite telling. It's really interesting with this kid because on one hand, he totally idealizes BM and defends her and thinks she's great. And after his EO weekend visits or sometimes even his 5 min phone calls with her where she spends the time drilling him on what everyone is doing and whether everything is "fair" between BKids and SS, he can be a real turd.
But I think he's getting clearer and clearer on who she really is.
About a year ago I was having a talk with him, after a giant blow up and told him about how my mom was in an accident when I was a baby and that I grew up alone with my dad for a long time too and it was hard when he brought SM into the picture and that I could relate and he said THE SADDEST THING EVER TO ME:
but your mom didn't have a choice about leaving you with your dad. My mom CHOSE to leave me and not be part of my life.
Broke my heart at the time. He can be a real twirp, but I know this kid hurts really bad for his mom's abandoning him when he was 5. He's overjoyed that she is now "caring" for him EO weekend, but he still remembers and has a pretty clear picture about who she is.