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Update2 on the Craziest BM on Stalk

step off already's picture

The DA called DH on Friday. He chatted with him, said she was clearly breaking the order and they could go haul her in and it would probably go to jury trial. He said that the only thing that "could" keep her from getting convicted was the fact that she included, "sorry, that wasn't meant for you" each time she began texting him.

He suggested waiting, continuing to document everything and she'll blow it again. Now DH has a paper trail and it gets stronger every time she does this and will eventually help him extend the RO or make it permanent.

Needless to say, BM is scared shitless.

We'll know more this weekend as to whether she's still living with her GF or if she got kicked out.

... something also tells me we don't have to worry about her showing up to SS's graduation this year (not that she shows up for anything. ever)


step off already's picture

I agree. I think my DH should have told them to go ahead and let it go to trial. But he doesn't want to waste the judge's time, the police, etc - all over text messages. He says he feels like a pussy for even calling. Even though the police say, it's more about protecting your property and family from a crazy woman.

And we all know that if this was a man acting all crazy it would be a total different story.

step off already's picture

I may bring it up again and "encourage" him to reconsider and ask them to prosecute.

He likes it best when she leaves him alone. so in about a month when she flares up again, he'll probably be more apt to address it.

They have court in about two weeks where the department of child support services is requesting that BM provide medical, pay child support and pay half of SS's medical expenses - so I'm sure she'll cause some issues before/during/after that event as well... she always does.

step off already's picture


My DH is friends with many police officers in and around or city and county. He named dropped a few of his friends and the DA was just very frank and upfront with him.

It sounds like they know she'll do something else and now that he is documenting it - which they encourage him to continue to do - they'll have a better case if they wait.

She does something pretty much each month.

they also said that some of the other messages and texts that she sent could "arguably" be about SS - so even though the order states that she may only contact him regarding court ordered visitation - she could argue around it.

The police suggested filing a motion for contempt with the courts and the judge will be unammused and may respond in his own way. He stated judges don't like people ignoring their orders and that she clearly does and thinks its funny.

simifan's picture

Well personally, I think justhiswife has the craziest BM on stalk. But, I would agree that is total BS. Tell DH keep up the good work documenting & hopefully you will have vindication soon.