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Update: BM Gave the Address... and the drama ensues

step off already's picture

So DH asked BM for the address, per the CO. She responded, "give me the name of the school he'll be attending next year, per the CO."


DH responded, "Blah, blah school - just like SS told you this weekend"

Then she gave the address.

Later that night at 7:30 she texted DH, "It's 7. where's my son. It's time for our call" Dh had SS call her but texted back, "it's 7:30"

A few minutes later, SS14 knocks on our bedroom door and we tell him to come in. He has the phone to his ear and says that BM is acting crazy and she sounds drunk. We ask what's going on and he says that she's just yelling.

DH takes the phone and listens. She's fighting with someone and saying, "then I guess I'll just give up custody of my son. .. I'll just kill myself... I have nothing"

DH says, "um, real nice of you to put your son through this". She gets silent and then she says something about not living and he hangs up.

We tell SS not to worry and we will keep him safe. His mom is going through some "things" right now. He says he's used to it and it's not that big of a deal. I say that it is a big deal. He says it's not. I tell him his mom loves him lots - she's just got a messed up head and she's on drugs and making bad choices.

He says he knows.

He says I'm a way better mom than she is and he loves me.

I say that I love him too and remind him that he can't choose his parents but he does get to choose what kind of parent he'll be.

Breaks my heart! Over and over!


misSTEP's picture

Have you checked on recording laws in your state? In our state, only one of the parties needs to know the conversation is being recorded. If that's the case in yours, I would definitely record these conversations with BM. You never know when that might come in handy.

I really pity these poor kids whose parents care more about themselves and their (mostly self-created) drama instead of being good parents and good examples for their children.

step off already's picture

DH has a RO order against her and it states that HE is allowed to record their conversations. We are in CA so generally it is not allowed but I believe the order gives him permission to do it.

herewegoagain's picture

Crazy, just crazy. It reminds me of someone who I went to see and while her SON who was around 13 at the time was in the bedroom, with the door open, she began saying all kinds of crazy things about her ex, her other son, blah, blah, blah and of course, drunk…I tried to tell her to chill the f#$%ck out that her son was in the other room, but she didn't care. No doubt she is a nut job…of course, she claims I am a nut job…lol