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SS13 Asks for a cell phone

step off already's picture

Last night I overheard DH tell SS, "I'm done with this. I don't want to talk about this anymore." So naturally I asked him what it was about later that night.

He said SS kept bugging him about getting him his own cell phone. DH told him to speak to his mother (who pays us no child support) and see if she will pay the monthly bill and then we can talk about getting him his own phone.

SS kind of grumbled about it since he knows that his mom will not pay for this - nothing that might actually come in handy, but she'll buy him $70 video games to one up us when she knows he has the game on pre-order at our house.

Anyway, I asked DH why he told SS that it would even be up for discussion when we literally just decided to turn DD's cell phone line into a all-kids' line to be used when we drop them off somewhere (like the mall or the movies) and we want to be able to reach them.

++++Side Note: I gave DD12 a cell phone for Christmas nearly 3 years ago, but she never has it charged, never has it with her and now she finally lost it. So we decided that instead of turning the line off completely, we'd get a new cheap phone so that we can contact the kids for special circumstances.

DH just responded that he knows SM will not pay for a cell phone bill for SS13. HEll, she can barely keep her own phone on.


step off already's picture

And just to clarify further. None of the kids in our house really need a cell phone. We have a house phone, they all go to a very small private school. SS13 and DD12 are in a 7/8th grade class together where there are less than 20 kids total. We drop them off and pick them up daily.

step off already's picture

Lol. He asked if he could do work around the house to "earn" it. Which we've done in the past to assist him with extra money. The problem with that, is that dh ends up spending All his time supervising SS and then nothing is really done well around here. The kid needs to keep his room clean before he can do "extras" and he hasnt quite figured that out yet.

Luckily, dh told him nope.

But I agree. At this point, all these extras are on him.

step off already's picture

I'm not against a cell phone. It's only $10 a
Month to keep dd's line activated and I have a few old phones around the house.

I'd like SS to get more social - and hopefully get out from being behind the game controllers as his only hobby.

step off already's picture

It's jut that literally, each week, he is asking for a new piece of electronic equipment. The kid has a skewed view of reality.

Week 1: Xbox live account and can we please connect him to the Internet in his bedroom
Week 2: ps3 so he can play grand theft auto with school friends
Week 3: cell phone

DaizyDuke's picture

DONT DO IT! EVER! I went down this road with DH, let him talk me into putting skids on my plan after all said DH, it's only an extra $15.00 a month (famous last words right there!) and it was nothing but a fucking nightmare for over two years! SS14 went WAYYYYY over his minutes one month last year to the tune of $400.00 overage fees(of course BM couldn't even contribute a fucking dime towards that) SD15 tried to sell her phone when she had a hissy and moved back with BM1 last year.. got a call from a Verizon in NYC that they had confiscated it. Add to all that drama, the numerous broken, water damaged phones, termination fees etc. NEVER AGAIN! and that is a hill I would die on. DH knows it! BM2 just asked DH again the other day for a cell for SS14 and DH said hell no.

I asked him why in the world she couldn't just add him to her contract... he said she doesn't have a contract. Of course I should have known with her shitty ass credit and part time job that 39 year old BM would have a pay as you go phone. stupid skank. Besides, when DH confiscated SS14 phone back in March when he got busted at a drinking party, he found NUMEROUS text messages in regards to him buying and selling dope. Not even going down the road of facilitating that horse crap!

step off already's picture


dreadingit's picture

"... he said she doesn't have a contract. Of course I should have known with her shitty ass credit and part time job that 39 year old BM would have a pay as you go phone."
that made me laugh out loud--so sadly true! Just last weekend DH was thinking (again) about getting the skids some sort of basic phone. He hadn't been able to speak to them all week because BM's phone 'wasn't working'. I can only imagine the nightmare this will be...BM will guilt ss into letting her carry and use the phone all the time, and when they're with us the endless phone conversations will be even worse if she doesn't have to go thru DH's phone. ARGH

step off already's picture

BM's got a metro phone as well and she's always texting dh asking him to have SS call her on "her friends phone" since hers "is broken"