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My parenting vs Dh's parenting

step off already's picture

The boys (ds10 and 12 and ss14) were playing outside. Our elderly neighbor lady came over and asked the boys of she could have some of our fruit and she handed them $20. They were of course, excited and started to fill up her cart whike she returned hime.

Dh got wind of what was going on and laid into them : those people sold us our property, they planted those trees, they go to food banks for food and youre going to take their money!!! He's angry and can't get over it. Intel him to let them fill her Cart and have the boys come inside when fine before they go over.

In the meantime I remind dh that they are just excited and that this is a teachable

When they come in I remind them that the fruit or anything on this property is not theirs to sell. The correct response wild be "let me ask my parents".

Then of course I reminded them that we should be doing nice things for our neighbors and especially our older neighbors and when they went next door they should offer to come over weekly to do some chores for them and of course, return their money.

The boys all came back with smiles and said they're going over tomorrow to help with sweeping leaves and putting then in cans and a few other things. They felt proud.

Dh was again, amazed at how well I handled it.


step off already's picture

Agreed. They'll sell anything that's not nailed down of money was waived in their faces. So would I as a kid - which I also reminded dh that he probably would have done the same.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Awesome. You did a great job. Sometimes men are just Reactive. Not thinking the whole picture thru. Geeee.....maybe its time for a female e president.

Indigo's picture

Wow ! Wish I could channel your wisdom when I'm trying to get BS out of bed to go shovel his grandmother's driveway.