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How I want to respond to BM's text to DH

step off already's picture

I just discovered a 7 am text from BM to DH last Sunday that read, "Tell your girl to be nice to our son". As usual DH didn't bother responding. He also didn't mention it to me as he probably didn't want me to respond or get upset either.

But here are a few of the things I'd like to say.

First of all, I'm a 40 year old woman - hardly a "girl". Yes, I may look young and youthful and clearly I'm better looking and younger looking than you (even though you are 3 years my junior), but I am no girl. I am a woman. A daily mother to your child and my own. I am a wife to a man that I didn't have to get knocked up by in order for him to marry me. I am a professional which means that I support myself, my children and my family.

Now you, you are the girl. No responsibility. Abandoning your son when he was 5 and your husband of 2 years, so you could smoke pot and drink on a daily basis (see, now I did that in college many, many years ago, but I digress). You are not even mature enough to admit your sexual preference to your son or anyone else - even though you are mooching off the woman you left your DH and son for many years ago, yet you cheat on her too.

You are the girl that complains about your child's father - the father that has gladly taken care of your child since day one when you would tell him it wasn't your job because you never wanted him anyway.

Thanks for the text. You are such a protective mother and do so much for your son during your EOWe visits that MY HUSBAND AND I forced you to have. Glad you utilize the time to attempt to convince your son that I am mean to him. I guess the health insurance,doctor and counselor visits, meals, home, pets, private school education, homework help, school involvement, activities and family I provide him on a daily basis is just something that you can't comprehend given your heroine-addicted mother didn't seem to be interested in raising you either.


step off already's picture

But I won't because I'm a lady.

And since she "tex lik dis" I'm not sure she'd be able to read my complete sentences anyway.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Oh come now, she's only calling you 'girl' so she can sound like she 'got street cred'

I don't think I misspelled that enough....

Sorry. I'm not a legit gangsta.

step off already's picture

LOL. She's a 37 year old "blonde" who thinks she is gangsta! Truth be told, she grew up / lives in the ghettos of the valley/farmland and wears mom jeans from the 90's, but she's highly uneducated so she pulls off low rent very well.

Shaman29's picture

LOL! I work with a woman who is very nice but who occasionally speaks as though she grew up in the ghetto. One of our other coworkers asked me why she does that. I told him it's because she's confusing ghetto with white trash.

He nearly peed himself laughing.

Shaman29's picture

I would respond with "Thank you Mrs. X, this wittle girl will take vewy gud care of your boy."

BM's are weird.

I remember when I was suffering from a minor breakout on my chin from an allergy the first summer DH and I were dating. I was with him when he met up with Uberskank to drop off his kid with her. She looked at my face and started lecturing me on taking care of my skin while I'm young or I'll end up looking like her. She was going on and on and on and on......and DHs kid kept saying Mom. Mom! MOM!!!

Uberskank looked at her and said "What kid? I'm trying to tell Shaman something!"

DHs kid said "It's a rash from an allergy, she's older than you. She's older than Dad!"

Uberskank looked me up and down and said "Oh! Sorry."


step off already's picture

LOL, and she probably has a wreck of a face and she's giving YOU advice.

thanks, but I've got this, Lol

Anon2009's picture

He should have responded, "I'll tell YOU to woman up and be invved in SS' life. YOU are the girl here, not SM."

remmi1982's picture

I'd thank her for making me feel so young! "Kill her with kindness"

I still get carded whenever I try to purchase a bottle of wine, so I'm not going to complain...BM looks about 10 years older than she really is, which also puts a smile on my face. }:) If there's one thing I've learned in life it's that all nastiness stems from jealousy.