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Help me: dh to file for cs from bm

step off already's picture

My dh has always taken care of ss13. Last year+ when he finalized the divorce with bm no child support was awarded. He was/is custodial, she has EOWe. At the time of the hearing, neither we're represented by an attorney, and bm was tryin to get spousal support. Long story, short: judge didn't award anyone anything because dh wasn't working, bm "claimed" she wasn't working, and bm was trying to get spousal support. My interpretation wa that th judge didn't want to extend it, so he just didn't away anyone anything.

Here we are one year later.

My dh is going to be staying home to take care of oruro baby. I make more than he does so it makes sense for us. He will receive paid family leave for 6 weeks. After that time, he probably won't work but instill the he will"earn" a little from benefits.

Bm still works minimally - def less than 40 hours per week.

I'd just like to ether something from her: $100 monthly, split medical, something!

What's the best way to go about thi in California?


Lalena75's picture

We're in the same boat SO is unemployed and when the divorce/custody was being wrapped up they both made the same now he make nada and has 50/50 he's trying to go back to school and has had to take on all responsibilities (health care needs, school actually parenting) BM does minimal leaves everything to her parents SO and I. I informed him he files for CS and contempt (14 documented incidents now) or he's out. Good luck in CA. I know with 50/50 here the judge may not award him anything and tell him get a job (he's trying believe me he even got his GED to improve that now wants a college certificate at least so he's trying)