Child support agency has set a court date
And I'm really hoping bm gets nailed for arrears.
During the divorce dh and bm both represented themselves. Bm lied about where she lived, what her income was and the facts about dh and her relationship - including the fact that she left 1 year into their marriage.
Fast forward to now, about one year after final orders were written by the judge and no support was ordered. Dh contacted the child support agency requesting bm assist. He also notified the. Of her EOWe visits, the restraining order he has against her and her history of lieing in court.
So now we find that the child support agency have resume where the original court case left off. I'm really, really hoping that they pulled her info for EDD and ate aware f how much she has made all along. I'm hoping theyll ding her for arrears. I'm really hopin they'll send her to jail for lying in court.
One can only hope.
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Most courts let them have a
Most courts let them have a buy. Our BM went to jail two weeks ago for the arrears she owes for her oldest son different Daddy. She stayed till her family could get her out on bond. She won't keep a job its just a matter of time before SS's CS gets high enough for her to go for that. Then she'll have two CS cases chasing after her. These women are hope less. Good Luck though.