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Stellarejbmom's Blog

I actually left...a rant

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In the last three and a half years, I left the house overnight with our 3 year old. The father of our daughter  and I got into an argument.  It all started because I was hesitant on picking up his boys at circle k because he didn't want to deal with them or their bs. He started saying how I never help with things nor his kids. A couple of years ago, I used to pick them up the fall of 2019 semester. I would have to drive approximately 100 miles each day, five days a week, to pick them up from school and drop them off at their dads house.

Am I in the wrong??

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My bf and I are currently not talking to one another for the last three days. It started on Sunday, he and the boys and their one friend were going to an outdoor expo. My bf told me that he was going to take our 2 year old over there with them, I told him 'no' that he couldn't because she and I needed to get ready for a baby shower that's an hours drive away. The time when they left was 10:30am he kept asking why couldn't she go.

Christmas presents-updated

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So my idea for Christmas presents for the skids, well originally, I planned a gift card and candies. I decided last minute, actually in the parking lot of walmart to get was bedsheets for them. They only have one color, and that's the only one they have since we moved in the house together. I got them a neutral grey. 

With the gift of a giftcard and candies, it felt as almost I was going to waste my money on them. And me buying them bedsheets was definitely something they needed and wasn't as expensive. I felt comfortable.  

Christmas presents

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So this year I'm thinking about getting Christmas presents for my steps, last year I didn't get anyone anything except for my bf and our baby. The unfortunate decision for me is that my steps, well 3 of 4 them truly deserve coals. But feeling the pressure this year especially by my bf who made it clear earlier in the year that I... didn't treat his kids good enough.  

Feeling defeated

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I had a daughter last year jan 2020. My bf and I have been together for 5 years now.  He has four kids, ages range from 7 to 17. I met the kids a couple of years ago, we blended pretty quickly since their mother went back to rehab, at that time it was for a whole year. And at that time the kids were getting ready to go back to school and their dad was going back to work also. I had to help my SO with picking up his kids from school and dropping them off at home. I was doing this while I was pregnant.  They didn't know. It was definitely  a rocky start.