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Starryeyed's Blog

I'm pregnant and so is...... Bm

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:jawdrop: :jawdrop:

I'm three months on Monday, all is going well and me and dh are still deliriously happy. My parents and sister know and dh is planning to tell his family at Easter (we will have had the first scan at this stage). I'm due on 5th October. Exciting times for me as I have tried to long to have a baby and as past blogs would show dh has absolutely no trouble in that area unfortunately so it's been a long and frustrating road! Anyways all is good now and even sporting some serious baby bloat at the mo!!

Looks like I won't be telling him today

Starryeyed's picture

Wanted to tell him this morning but he got up at the crack of dawn to go to work (didn't know he was in this morning) so timing wasn't right. He'll be picking up ss12 on way home who we will have until late tomorrow night. Kind of confused, do I blurt it out while ss is in his room? He is surgically sown to my h on weekends? Or wait til he goes back to bm? Don't want to anger my husband by keeping him in the dark for too much longer either!! What would you do?

It's positive

Starryeyed's picture

I'm in shock. Initially I was happy and now I'm really scared and upset. I feel like a bad person because I've really wanted it. Now I don't feel ready at all. Dh is still not speaking to me. Came home and a massive box of flowers was beside the door. Turns out it's for the next door neighbour. Dh is ignoring me in the other room. I feel very alone and scared. Never thought first time I was pregnant I'd have these feelings. I feel like an awful person who doesn't even deserve children right now.

5 days late

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Ok I know some of you are less than happy with my dh at the moment (I'm less than happy too) but still 5 days late. This has never happened to me before. I kept nipping to the toilet all day expecting my period to start but it hasn't. Today is myself and dh's 4 year anniversary. I was going to buy a tear today but thought it may be too early?? When is the best time? Was thinking of waiting until Saturday when I have the luxury of time in the morning granted period hasn't come by that stage . That will take it to 7 days late. Still too early to test??

Update on friend request

Starryeyed's picture

Day 4 of being ignored by hubby. He is coming home late and stonewalling me completely. I text him yesterday to let him know I had dinner plans with a girlfriend... Radio silence back. I tried to speak to him last night and tried to give him a hug "I do not want to talk to you" he shouted back. I told him how he treated me was not ok and he said oh just play the victim again.

After 5 years... I'm still an outsider

Starryeyed's picture

A couple of weeks ago dh checked ss13 phone and found naked pictures and texts on it from older man. He said he went to the police station and that is all I've been told. When I try to talk to him about it he says it's not me but he can't talk about it. Even when I said ok I don't wang to know gory details... Just what police said. I'm met with silence. It pisses me off that obviously bm and dh have talked about this and I'm sure her partner and Gbm know too so I'm the only one who doesn't in the situation. It has made me feel very hateful the past few weeks and very resentful.
