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Gut feelings..........

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

I just read Sia's blog about her gut feelings when it comes to BM & something not being quite right. A few of you have said that you've also had these types of feelings. Anyone want to share theirs?

I've had gut feelings about things, too, that ended up being right on. It's creepy in a way, but also sort of satisfying, like, "See...I was RIGHT!". Sometimes I have gut feelings about certain people & I have no idea why. It's just that I feel something is not quite ok with that person, you know?

Dealing with BM, those feelings have increased over the years. At first, I thought she was just a nuisance. But as her behavior grew more & more insane, the gut feelings started. BM has pulled so much crap over the years & lied so much to us that I don't believe anything she says anymore. She's a completely fake person. About a year ago, when things were getting really bad with former SD then 10, I knew something was up. I knew BM had been telling her lies about us to poison her against us. Guess what? I was right. BM was telling her EVERYTHING, which probably made the kid feel uncomfortable around us (& also angry at us for "attacking" her mom). The issues between us & BM were not something the kids needed to know, yet BM decided to share & exaggerate everything. (I'm sure BM told SD8 the same stuff, but SD8 didn't react because she doesn't care. She's too self-centered to care.)

Last summer, when the kids were talking about BM's mother & stepfather moving here & buying land, I told my husband that they would probably buy land & BM would put something on it & live there. Especially since the land is close to where BM works, closer to the school former SD11 will be attending & now close to BM's latest boyfriend. Well, BM is moving to that area...but supposedly she's renting a house. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if she's really living in a tent on her parents' land. Or if she's renting a house until she comes up with the money to put something on the land. I know something is up with this. BM & SD8 have been extremely secretive about everything lately, so I know BM has something up her sleeve.

I also knew that former SD11 would not be living with us for this upcoming school year. I mean, BM decided years ago that former SD11 would be going to this private school a half hour away from us. There was no way it would work out having her still live with us. Yet BM was determined to have us baby-sit former SD11 through this summer. (That's really all we were, baby-sitters. Former SD11 didn't even talk to us anymore. She treated us like we were invisible.) But we put a premature end to that plan, which BM was livid about.

I also have a gut feeling about former SD11 that I can't shake. Something happened at BM's house about 2 years ago, either to former SD11 or something she saw, but I have no idea what. For about 6 months, former SD11 (then 9) acted really weird. She was super moody & seemed angry at BM. The only thing I can think of is that at this same time, BM's live-in boyfriend moved out & a female roommate moved in. Now, BM was experimenting with being bi-sexual & I'm pretty sure the roommate was a lesbian. So I'm wondering if something was going on between them & BM never told the kids & former SD11 saw something that made her uncomfortable, confused, etc. I'm actually pretty sure this is what happened because former SD11 always referred to the roommate as "the roommate", seemed to not really like her & the odd behavior ended when the roommate moved out. Of course, former SD11 would never talk about what was bothering her. And BM refused our requests for the kid to see a counselor.

I'm sure there are many more examples, but I've written enough! Please share yours!!!


belleboudeuse's picture

I seem to have an uncanny knack for sensing when BM is about to do a major meltdown, even if we haven't had a lot of contact with her in a while. More than once, I've said to DH, "I'll bet BM is going to through a major hissy fit within the week," and been right. I'm probably just getting bad feelings from some other minor thing that has happened. Come to think of it, I bet I know what it is: she's bipolar, and it's pretty obvious, so whenever she's SUPERFREAKYFRIENDLY or REALLYREALLYUP, I figure she's due for a crash.

I know that since I met her, something has just not felt "right" with her. My first impressions of her after meeting her two or three times was that when she's in "public" (i.e., in front of people other than DH, and now me), everything's a performance to make her look like the perfect, long suffering "single mom". (God, I hate that she always calls herself that! SINGLE moms don't get any help! You're a DIVORCED mom who shares parenting time and gets a sh*tload of money every month from my husband! You are NOT A SINGLE MOM!!!!)



- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)

BMJen's picture

I've been talking about this same thing with a few friends over the past few days.

I have it first I thought okay that was weird, but now it's to the point that if I call any one that I know and tell them to stay home, or not to go to the store, they will do what I've asked them.

I know when my kids are going to get hurt.......I know how, when, where, and why. From the biggest thing to the smallest bump on the head.

Dh will test me from time to time. The other day he let BD sit down with him and put our change into our change jug, I said "DH don't do that, she's going to stick it in her mouth and she'll choke if you don't get it out right away" Before he had his head turned back to her the quarter was in her mouth. He got it out right away though, but then he put the change up without her help.......LOL.

When my father died, I was 15, my brother and I both had the same exact dream.......and when we woke up we couldn't get ahold of one another because we were both trying to call each other at the same exact time. Our dream was the same, it was our father saying goodbye. We knew he had the car crash before anyone else. I was in FL, brother was in AR, and our dad was in IL.

I've had so many of this type of thing that I can't even list them all! I just know that for some reason I have that "sixth sense" and it's just grandma did to though. So maybe it's genetic?

It's either that or I'm crazy and that's genetic from my Grandma to! Blum 3

~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~

Elizabeth's picture

Jen, can you do a reading for me? LOL

For my part, I usually know what BM and SD16 are going to do, not because I have a sixth sense but because both of them are out to get DH/myself any way they can and frankly, they're not very creative!

Snarky's picture

BM leaves a lot of room for predictability. DH and I get a sense when things are too quiet, almost eerily quiet, that the poop is going to hit the fan and sure enough, we find brown stuff everywhere. Soon we are going to need hip boots because the alimony goes down $500 in two months and that poor thing who doesn't work won't be able to afford all her little stone heart desires (let's hear a collective AWWWW). Can't wait till next year when the spousal maintenance goes away completely....cuz she isn't getting any more child support, she screwed herself outta that.

WowjustWow's picture

figure it out when BM is about to do something stupid. A few years ago she sent OSD to talk to DH about how BM was moving out of state and taking the kids with her. The kid was 12 at the time, who does that? She had to sit there and tell her dad that her mom was moving out of state and she and her sister wanted to go and be with "that family now" meaning BM's brother. BM doesn't even like her family. So DH just told SD that this was an issue between him and BM and she didn't need to be involved. I could tell something big was coming for that whole week before. BM had gotten too quiet, too complacent. DH squashed her little plan, but I had a terrible feeling that following summer when she took SD's out of state for a few weeks. I just knew she was going to try to move and make us think it was vacation. Well, apparently SD's were miserable while they were there. They called DH all the time those few weeks. So she came back and dumped the kids off with us a few days before her time was over.

kaffonseca's picture

Always have..since I was started when I dreamt a neighbor's house was going to catch fire..and it did..the next night. I have dreamt of 911 before it happened..yes it's true.

It's a curse. I ONLY have dreams when it's a premonition dream. i should learn by now to take heed.

A few months ago I had a dream that my EXFH and BM were cheating behind my back..this dream stayed with me..I shared it with EXFH and he called me crazy..saying I was so obsessed with her I even dreamt about her..but in the end it was true.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

WowjustWow's picture

Mine aren't premonition dreams per say, but I've had a lot of instances of dreaming about an event and then it actually happening, word for word.

Creeps me out a little, but what can ya do right?

kaffonseca's picture

consider that a premonition dream..
mine are more actual events that take place..the details are not clear but the event itself happens.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

Sia's picture

I'll throw my hat in the ring.... Wink

I, too, have always had a sick sense about things. My family just thinks I'm nuts, but I "see" things in my dreams. I know whose pregnant before they are, etc. My former boss and I are very distant cousins, but became REALLY close friends (not that way, get your mind out of the gutter). Anywho, I always used to dream about him and certain aspects with his life. I told him once that his wife was cheating on him, and he didn't believe me, sure enough....she was. Everything I dream about, whether or not I vocalize it, seems to present itself in one form or another eventually.

I have learned to trust my gut feeling and go with my instincts. I did call CPS yesterday, but they won't do anything b/c I don't have proof and I am only the SM....we seem to not have any credence with them at all. I am terrified for that baby.....but what else can I do?

By the way, SQB, why do you say "former SD".....when referring to her? Did she go away or something? i apologize, I do not know your story. Smile

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

She was my husband's SD when he was married to BM. So really I should say my husband's former SD, but I ended up shortening it. My husband, being the amazingly sweet person he is, had her every other week, along with his daughter with BM, from their separation until this past November. (Over 6 years) BM never gave him a dime. She receives child support from former SD's father & keeps every penny. Never once offered my husband ANYTHING. My husband even bought her clothes for at his house because BM did supply them.

When I came along, we continued to supply clothes for her at our house, which I was fine with because I didn't want her to feel left out. But then BM stopped buying everything for former SD...coats, shoes, winter clothing, etc. She fully expected us to take care of this. So during one of our blow-ups, I mentioned that we had to buy former SD's shoes for school AGAIN & BM had a fit. She gave us $100 with a note stating that $100 should take care of EVERYTHING we've ever gotten for former SD. lol. Yeah, $100 for 6+ years of food, clothing, school supplies, presents for birthday parties, lost library books, etc. BM lives on another planet!

In November, we made the difficult decision of former SD not living with us anymore. (Actually, my husband decided this & I fully supported him.) It's all due to BM using parental alienation on her. You can read my old blogs on this if you really want more info! What a nightmare!