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DH is refusing BM demand for overnight

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So my DH has SS as BM signed a safety plan allowing SS to stay w/DH while she secures her own housing for herself and SS. And BM visits w/SS are to be as decided between DH and BM. So this week BM with her Father met DH for a visit with the understanding her Dad would bring him home (BM has no license) and that her SO should not be anywhere around SS (RO for Abuse of SS which she denies now). So SS shows up at the house 45 min early and BM was not with them. Apparently they Dropped BM off at the top of SO road. So SS had to be exposed to BM going back to an abuser that he is scared of and has a RO against. So BM is not making any attempt to find her own place.

So then yesterday BM texts that SS was going to stay sun night at her dads with her. DH thought long and hard about this. The visists are supposed to be as agreed, he doesnt agree, 1. They exposed SS to her going Back to her SO and her dad has no control over what she does. Hell she could have a friend pick her and SS up and go back to her SO. On top of the fact that Mon is the RO hearing so what is she trying to pull. And she has a documented history of not getting SS to school.

So today DH texted sorry this wont work for x, y, z and then told her I will be happy to let you visit him on saturday though as we had prior plans on sunday. Which we do, plans were already made. So now we sit back and wait. She can decide not to follow the safety plan and get her CO and show up with police, however DH has the right if he believes SS will be put in harms way to call the police himself and immediatly notify the childrens case worker who is then quite likly to call the juvinile officer. BM is so used to threatening and manipulating to get her way and he fell for it for a long time. She will try to cry you are withholding....but he is not.....he offered her a visitation on Saturday. So we will call her bluff and pray that she isnt completly brain dead and gets her son tangled up in the Juvinile court system.